spatial analysis

After preparing my data in IDRISI, I began my analysis using the Boolean Multi-Criteria Evaluation approach. The logic of Boolean aggregation demands all criteria be standardized to the same Boolean scale of 0 or 1 which was done previously.  A cartographic model for my entire analyses can be seen by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. In order to find suitable locations for a new snowboard shop the following had to be met. 

Requirement 1: Must be located within 500 m of a commercial area.

Requirement 2: Must be located within an area with a population over 200 of males and females aged 15 to 30.

Requirement 3: Must be located within an area with a yearly average household income of at least $50000.

Requirement 4: Must be located on a street in Vancouver.

Requirement 5: Must be located within 500 m of the Skytrain.

Requirement 6: Must be located 1000 m outside an existing snowboard shop.

After running the MCE, here was the result.

This image is zoomed out for orientation. The image below is zoomed in where the locations of a new snowboard shop would be suitable. Click on the images above and below to enlarge. The Green line respresents the Skytrain line, the Blue lines represent streets, and the Red indicates suitable areas. The street network and Skytrain vector layers were added to the raster image to improve overall resolution.


>> see cartographic model <<


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