about the author

Hello! My name is Arnold Lee and I'm in my fourth year of Geography at Simon Fraser University. I was born in the beautiful city of Vancouver. I enjoy camping, hiking, snowboarding, swimming, and biking. I also like to sing, play my guitar, hang out with my friends, and listen to music. I love food, it's great! My future ambition by God's will is to serve Him in full-time ministry by joining staff with Campus Crusade for Christ working with university students.

My first taste of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) was in the summer of 1998 when I participated in the SFU Mentorship Co-op Program. I worked for the Canadian Coast Guard in the Waterways division as a GIS Technologist in which I turned data from paper into digitized points along the BC coast using ArcView and ATS (Activity Tracking System) to update their database. In the summer of 1999, I went to Calgary on a project with Campus Crusade called the Rocky Mountain Project which was basically a leadership training program in the area of evangelism and discipleship. In the summer of 2000, I went to the Orient to help spread the Gospel. In the summer of 2001, I went to Toronto where I received more training and equipping as a Christian leader and help spread the message of hope in Jesus Christ downtown. These experiences have drawn me closer in my relationship with God and has allowed me to discover who I am as a servant of the Lord. My full testimony in how I had no hope in life to a hope in life through Jesus Christ is online that I encourage you to check out.

I live in the beautiful city of Vancouver, a south western Canadian city which lies on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is the largest city in British Columbia, the most western Canadian province, and the second largest city in Canada. Vancouver's population is approximately 2.5 million of which half a million people live in the metropolitan area. Vancouver's climate is mild. It is often very warm in the summer, and wet and cool throughout the following seasons. I love it here!


Visit my personal website @ arnoldlee.tripod.com



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