Interactive Room Finder


Looking for the nearest washroom? Here's How

Looking for the nearest Bottle Refill station or Drinking Fountain? Here’s How


Building & Infrastructure Records

For informational profiles of the buildings at the Burnaby campus, please see the building information section.


The Facilities Services Development manages the permanent records related to all of Simon Fraser University's buildings and infrastructure. Information is stored both in hard copy and in digital form.

  • Building key plans (i.e. permanent drawing records) are updated and published online annually.
  • The directory includes official Building names, Building Acronyms and Building Numbers, for all SFU buildings. This list is compiled and managed by Facilities Services as part of Records and Space Inventory Management.
  • Burnaby campus underground services information and utility project records managed by SFU includes water, sanitary, storm, natural gas, district heating, power, communications, and compressed air systems. Contact for information.
  • We have a database of over 18,000 as-built drawings for all three campuses. Please download, fill out and email the Records Request Form to acquire drawings or other documents. Send completed PDF to For help using the form, please view these instructions

Campus space inventory

The Campus space inventory section manages and maintains a complete space inventory of all building assets in a central database.