Simon Fraser University
Assignments and Grading

Your final grade for the course will be determined based on the following components:


Each of the above items will be assigned a letter grade, according to criteria that will be discussed in class. The weighted average of the components listed above will become your final grade in the course.

Late Policy

If you are late in submitting something for class, marks will be deducted from what you earn for the assignment at a rate of a half letter grade per day. This formula means that it is possible to get an A on a perfect assignment which is one day late. After three days, a perfect assignment could only receive a B+. At five days late, the best a perfect assignment could get is a C.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty, including plagiarizing material in your assignments, is harmful to everyone. I am serious about your learning, and want you to be, too. If you are found to be engaging in academic dishonesty, you could be given a zero grade for the relevant assignment, or an "FD" grade on the course overall. The "FD" grade tells anyone who ever looks at your transcript that you failed the course because you engaged in academic dishonesty.