Simon Fraser University
EDUC 482 Designs for Learning: Information Technology

This course offers an introduction to the use of Information Technology in K-12 schools, pursuing the question: How can computing technology enhance learning, and what does this require of teachers? Readings and assignments will attempt to balance two principal goals: the development of technical skills and competencies, and the development of students’ awareness of persistent issues surrounding the use of computing technology in schools. For several of the major assignments, students will have the opportunity to customize the focus to a K-12 content area and grade level of personal interest.


Learning Goals:

Students will...

  • Become familiar with the educational affordances and constraints of a variety of computer applications commonly used in public schools
  • Design a piece of web-based curriculum to enhance lessons in a K-12 classroom
  • Become familiar with persistent issues surrounding the selection and use of information and communication technologies for public schools

Thursdays, 5:30pm-9:20pm

Burnaby campus

This site outlines the schedule for the course, the assignments, grading scheme, etc. Please do not print out any of the pages, as there may be adjustments to the content of the site over the semester.

Instructor: Kevin O'Neill

home page:

e-mail: "koneill-at-sfu-dot-ca"