Simon Fraser University
Peer Review Assignment

Peer review is one important way in which writers and designers are enabled to produce their best work. To ensure that each of you have the best chance possible of producing great assignments, I will not only read and evaluate each of your drafts, but ask you to review one other student's draft as well. Your review will be graded based on how complete and helpful it is.

Your Assignment

You will prepare a brief review of a peer's draft submission. Your review should be about one page long, single spaced, and written in paragraph form (not bullet points). If you want to provide in-line markups or comments on your peer's word processing file, that will be evaluated toward your grade; but it will not serve as a substitute for advice written in paragraph form.

Above all, your review should be constructive. Rather than simply identifying areas for improvement, you should do your best to offer advice on how the improvements might be made. Below are a few questions to help guide your thinking as you read your peer's work. These are not offered as a checklist -- you should NOT write your review around them. If other questions or better questions occur to you, by all means ask them!


Before reading your peer's paper, review the description of the assignment and the grading rubric provided on the course web site. Your goal is to help your peer produce the best submission possible. Ask yourself:


The day before our in-class peer review session, e-mail your review to your peer reviewer.


Your peer reviews will be graded according to the following rubric.


Your review points out more than one area for improvement that I missed in my own review, and gives useful advice to your classmate on how to make improvements. You offer serious critique in a helpful way, including feedback on the content, and the grammar and spelling if appropriate.


A strong review. It offers a thoughtful critique of the submission in a helpful way, and does not miss any flaws related to the assessment criteria that I would expect an attentive student in the class to catch. It provides feedback on grammar and spelling if appropriate.


The review is helpful and largely complete, but misses one area in which there is substantial room for improvement in relation to the posted assignment criteria. It may provide appropriate feedback on grammar and spelling.


The review misses more than one area in which there is substantial room for improvement. It may provide appropriate feedback on grammar and spelling.

D The review is cursory, ignoring several important flaws. It may focus exclusively on grammar and spelling, formatting, etc.

No review is submitted.