
Teaching/Research Faculty


Assistant Professor
Movement Neurorehabilitation and Neurorepair laboratory (MoveNN)
Email: gustavo_balbinot@sfu.ca
Room: K8634
Lab: K9608

Research Interests: Neurorehabilitation, Neurorepair, Neuroplasticity, Movement analysis, Regenerative rehabilitation.

Blaber, Dr. Andrew

Aerospace Physiology Lab
 (778) 782-3276
Email: ablaber@sfu.ca
Room: K9646

Interview: here

Research Interests: Environmental and Aerospace Physiology
Bio References


Professor, Dean of Science
Cancer Genetics Lab
Phone: (604) 675-8156
Email: arw6@sfu.ca

Research Interests:
 Cancer Genetics, genetics of healthy aging, lymphoma, human genetics

Clarke, Dr. David

Associate Professor
Phone: (778) 782-9777
Room: K9632

Research Interests: molecular and cellular exercise physiology, exercise programming, computational biology, human performance modeling, wearable technology, evidence-based practice.


Claydon, Dr. Tom

Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group
Phone: (778) 782-8514
Room: L8005

Interview: here

Research Interests: Cardiac ion channel biophysics and physiology, cardiac rhythm, pathophysiological modulation of ion channel function, fluorescence-based electrophysiology

Claydon, Dr. Victoria

Cardiovascular Physiology Lab
Phone: (778) 782-8513
Email: victoria_claydon@sfu.ca
Room: L8006

Interview: here

Research Interests: Cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology; altitude physiology; cerebrovascular control; autonomic nervous system; spinal cord injury; syncope.

Dr. Alexandra Coates

Coates, Dr. Alexandra

Assistant Professor
Exercise Physiology and Performance Lab
Email: alexandra_coates@sfu.ca
Room: K9638

Research Interests: exercise physiology, training monitoring, cardiovascular physiology, overtraining, energy availability, wearable technology

Dr. Dylan Cooke

Cooke, Dr. Dylan

Associate Professor
Sensorimotor Neuroplasticity Lab
Phone: (778) 782-7667
Email: dfcooke@sfu.ca
Room: L8001

Research Interests: Development and plasticity of brain organization, motor skill, recovery from brain injury, individual variation of cortical maps of the body, brain evolution

Doesburg, Dr. Sam

Phone: (778) 782-3737
Email: sam_doesburg@sfu.ca

Research Interests: 
Magnetoencepalographic (MEG) brain imaging of typical and atypical brain oscillations and networks, Translational research in autism, Brain oscillations and networks in cognition and development

Donelan, Dr. Max 

Locomotion Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-7100 
Email: max_donelan@sfu.ca
Room: K9640

Interview: here

Research Interests: Locomotion Neuromechanics

Finegood, Dr. Diane 

Professor, Centre for Dialogue
Phone: (778) 782-9101
Email: finegood@sfu.ca 
Room: HC 3305

Research Interests: complexity, systems thinking, obesity & chronic disease prevention, modeling, population and public health, knowledge translation and implementation

Hoffer, Dr. Andy

Neurokinesiology Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-3141 
Email: hoffer@sfu.ca 
Room: L9003

Interview: here

Research Interests: Neuroprosthetic rehabilitation of movement disorders, diaphragm pacing

Krieger, Dr. Charles

Brain Research Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-3753 
Email: ckrieger@sfu.ca
Room: K9636

Interview: here

Research Interests: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, protein kinase, neurological disease, neuron death, motoneuron    

Mackey, Dr. Dawn 

Associate Professor, Graduate Program Chair
Aging and Population Health Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-9330 
Email: dmackey@sfu.ca
Room: K8629

Interview: here

Research Interests: Aging, mobility, disability, physical activity & function, osteoporosis, falls, epidemiology


BC Leadership Chair in Neuroscience and Technology Transfer Across the Lifespan
Director, Institute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology
Phone: (778) 782-3889

Research Interests:
 Cognitive and computational neuroscience, neuroimaging, aging & dementia

Marigold, Dr. Dan 

Sensorimotor Neuroscience Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-3499 
Email: daniel_marigold@sfu.ca
Room: K8625

Research Interests: Neural control of movement, visuomotor control, locomotion, falls


Assistant Professor
Email: cnapier@sfu.ca
Room: L8002

Research Interests:
 Running biomechanics; injury prevention; footwear; wearable sensors


Dr. Wade Parkhouse

Parkhouse, Dr. Wade

Professor & Vice-Provost and Associate VP, Academic
Metabolic Biochemistry Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-4109 
Email: parkhous@sfu.ca 
Room: L8002

Research Interests: Exercise physiology and biochemistry

Poburko, Dr. Damon

Associate Professor 
Molecular Cardiac Physiology Group 
Phone: (778) 782-9464 
Email: dpoburko@sfu.ca
Room: L8004

Interview: here

Research Interests: Vascular Smooth Muscle Structure-Function Relationships & Physiology, Mitochondrial Physiology, Synaptic Physiology

Reynolds, Dr. Steve

Term Practitioner Faculty, Associate Professor (Jan. 1, 2022 to Dec. 31, 2026)

T.B. Vets Charitable Foundation
Email: screynol@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Critical care

Robinovitch, Dr. Stephen 

Professor, Department Chair
Injury Prevention and Mobility Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-3566 
Email: stever@sfu.ca
Room: K9642

Interview: here

Ruben, Dr. Peter

Molecular Cardiac Physiology group 
Email: pruben@sfu.ca

Interview: here

Research Interests: Biophysics of ion channels, congenital heart disease, congenital epilepsy, congenital skeletal muscle disease, ion channel evolution

Tibbits, Dr. Glen 

Molecular Cardiac Physiology group 
Phone: (778) 782-3658
Email: tibbits@sfu.ca
Room: K9630

Interview: here

Research Interests: Molecular cardiac physiology, cardiac contractility, congenital heart disease, calcium regulation in the heart


Term Practitioner
Email: elizabeth_rohrs@sfu.ca

Vieira, Dr. Amandio

Associate Professor 
Nutrition and metabolism research Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-4251 
Email: avvieira@sfu.ca
Room: K9634

Interview: here

Research Interests: Nutrition and metabolism, dietary antioxidants and phytochemicals, cellular and nutrient transport

Wakeling, Dr. James

Neuromuscular Mechanics Lab 
Phone: (778) 782-8444 
Email: wakeling@sfu.ca
Room: K9644

Interview: here

Research Interests: Neuromusclar Mechanics

White, Dr. Matthew 

Associate Professor 
Lab for Exercise and Environment Physiology 
Phone: (778) 782-3344 
Email: matt@sfu.ca 
Room: K8636

Interview: here

Research Interests: Human temperature regulation, control of breathing and energy expenditure

Wiesman, Dr. Alex

Assistant Professor
Canada Research Chair (II) in Neurophysiology of Aging and Neurodegeneration
Scientific Director - ImageTech Lab Core Facility

Email: awiesman@sfu.ca
Room:  K9628

Research Interests: cognitive neuroscience, magnetoencephalography, aging, neurodegenerative disorders, neural oscillations

Teaching Faculty

Arnold, Anne-Kristina

Senior Lecturer 
Phone: (778) 782-5213
Email: aarnolda@sfu.ca 
Room: L8003

Research Interests:
Ergonomics, design, occupational environments, RSIY

Bedoya, Diana

Bedoya, Diana

Senior Lecturer
Phone: (778) 782-6623
Email: dbedoya@sfu.ca
Room: K8623

Research Interests: Obesity, behaviour change, weight management

bott, carmen

Email: bott@sfu.ca 
Room: K8628

Carter, Dr. Jim

Senior Lecturer
Phone: (778) 782-4231 
Email: carter@sfu.ca 
Room: K8632

Ryan Dill

Dill, Ryan 

Senior Lecturer, Associate Chair, Operations
Email: ryand@sfu.ca 
Associate Chair Email: bpkaco@sfu.ca
Room: L8002

Nadine Wicks

Wicks, Dr. Nadine

Senior Lecturer, Undergraduate Program Chair
Phone: (778) 782-3615
Email: nwicks@sfu.ca 
Room: K8627

Research Interests: Ion channel biophysics and channelopathies, signal transduction and calcium handling dysfunction in disease, synaptic modelling and neuroplasticity.

Dr. Sabrina Lee

Lee, Dr. Sabrina


Room: K8638                                                                               Research Interests: Biomechanics, neuromuscular mechanics, rehabilitation, stroke, cerebral palsy, gait




Dr. Leanne Ramer

Ramer, Dr. Leanne

Senior Lecturer 

Email: leanne_ramer@sfu.ca 
Room: L9004

Sessionals and Term Lecturers

Ng, Dave
Term Lecturer

Email: yna10@sfu.ca


Associate Members

Dr. M. Faisal Beg
Engineering Science

Email: mfbeg@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Computational anatomy and medical image analysis     

Dr. Bonnie Gray
Engineering Science

Email: bgray@sfu.ca

Research Interests: 

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and microfluidics as applied to medicine and biology

Dr. Marinko V. Sarunic
Engineering Science

Email: msarunic@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Biomedical imaging, optical coherence tomography (OCT), microscopy, low-coherence interferometry, BioMEMS

Dr. Glenn Chapman
Engineering Science

Email: glennc@encs.sfu.ca

Research Interests: Building, techniques, and design of Large Area Restructurable Silicon Systems

Dr. Carlo Menon
Engineering Science

Email: cmenon@encs.sfu.ca

Research Interests: Robotics and Biomimetics

Dr. Edgar Young
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Email: youngec@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Biochemistry

Dr. Jonathan Choy
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Email: jonathan.choy@sfu.ca

Research Interests: T-cell biology, transplantation immunology, and vascular biology

Dr. Andrew Rawicz
Enginnering Science

Email: rawicz@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Reliability physics and engineering; optic device engineering; medical engineering; biomedical engineering

Adjunct Professors

Dr. Sam Goodchild
Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Canada

Email: sam.goodchild@gmail.com

Dr. James Reynolds
Kids Brain Health Network, Canada
Queens University, Canada

Email: jnr@queensu.ca

Dr. A. William Sheel
University of British Columbia, Canada

Email: bill.sheel@ubc.ca

Research Interests: Exercise, cardio-respiratory and environmental physiology

Dr. Kouhyar Tavakolian
University of North Dakota, USA

Email: kouhyart@gmail.com

Research Interests: Cardiac vibration signals, ballistocardiography and seismocardiography

Dr. Anita Cote
Trinity Western University, Canada

Email: anita.cote@twu.ca

Dr. Leif Hove-Madsen
Institut Català de Ciències Cardiovasculars, Spain

Email: LHove@csic-iccc.org

Research Interests: Cardiac physiology

Dr. Darren E. R. Warburton
University of British Columbia, Canada

Email: darren.warburton@ubc.ca

Research Interests: Cardio-respiratory physiology, environmental physiology and rehabilitation science

Dr. Vasily Vakorin
Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience Institute, Canada

Email: vasenka@gmail.com

Dr. Michael Koehle
University of British Columbia, Canada

Email: michaael.koehle@ubc.ca

Research Interests: Environmental physiology; intermittent hypoxia and acute mountain sickness

Dr. Igor Mekjavic
Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana

Email: mekjavic@icloud.com

Research Interests: Environmental physiology and ergonomics

Dr. Shubhayan Sanatani
BC Children's Hospital, Canada

Email: ssanatani@cw.bc.ca

Research Interests: Cardiovascular physiology and medicine

Dr. Xiaowei Song
Fraser Health Authority, Canada

Email: xiaowei.song@fraserhealth.ca

Research Interests: Aging and dementia, brain health and general health relationships, MRI techniques and applications

Dr. Deyar Asmaro
Langara College

Email: dasmaro@langara.ca

Research Interests: Neuroscience of addiction, cognitive/executive functioning in hypobaric environments

Emeritus and Retired Faculty 

Dr. Josephine Anthony 

Email: janthony@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Human Anatomy, Histology, Neuromuscular Anatomy 

Dr. Parveen Bawa
Neurophysiology Lab

Email: bawa@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Neuroscience, spinal cord, reflexes, motoneuron

Dr. Allan Davison 

Email: adavison@sfu.ca 

Research Interests: Biochemistry, oxygen and antioxidant vitamins

Dr. Donald G. Hedges

Email: doctordon@shaw.ca

Dr. James Morrison 

Email: jmorriso@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Bioengineering and environmental ergonomics

Tony Leyland 

Email: leyland@sfu.ca

Craig Asmundson 

Email: rasmunds@sfu.ca

Dr. Tom Calvert (Joint Appt with Cmpt, Ensc and Kines) 

Email: tom@sfu.ca 

Research Interests: Human figure animation (dance) and human computer interaction

Dr. John Dickinson 

Email: johnlizatmb@hotmail.com

Research Interests: Motor learning and human factors

Dr. Christine MacKenzie
Human Motor Systems Lab

Email: christine_mackenzie@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Motor control, human skills, human-computer interaction, laparoscopic surgery, expression and music performance

Dr. William Ross 

Phone: (604) 531-5049

Email: rosscraft@shaw.ca 


Dr. Miriam Rosin

Email: rosin@sfu.ca


Stephen Brown  

Email: sbrown@sfu.ca

Dr. Will Cupples

Email: wcupples@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Renal autoregulation and hypertensive renal disease

Dr. David Goodman

Email: goodman@sfu.ca 

Research Interests: Motor control and learning

Dr. Ron Marteniuk

Email: ron_marteniuk@sfu.ca

Research Interests: Motor control, motor learning and interlimb coordination            

Dr. Mike Walsh

Email: mwalsh@sfu.ca

Dr. Richard Ward

Email: richard_ward@sfu.ca