I've been accepted...Now what?
- Contact your Senior Supervisor and check out your labs!
- Get your SFU ID/Library card (3000 level Maggie Benston Center, LINK)
- Get Canadian SIN Card (LINK) and input your SIN to goSFU (go.sfu.ca)
- Contact the BPK Graduate Program Assistant (bpk_programs@sfu.ca) for:
- Information, Course Registration, Tuition payment, Graduate Student resources and forms, Scholarships/Awards
- Get a mailbox/keys, access to the Grad Lounge (K8504), Photocopy room (K9635), and TA Office (K8619)
- Contact the BPK Financial Assistant (bpk_finance@sfu.ca) for:
- General financial inquiries, payroll set up, and financial reimbursement issues