student in lab

Degree Programs

Biological Sciences Major/Honours

The Major in Biological Sciences combines core courses in the biological sciences with specialized courses in one of the three streams below.  Within the core program you will take courses in genetics, developmental biology, physiology, ecology, and evolution.

The Honours program follows the same structure as the Major, but requires additional coursework. It is intended for academically strong students who wish to combine in-depth study with research-based courses in Biological Sciences.

A degree in Biological Sciences provides excellent preparation for further study in medicine, dentistry and other healthcare-related professions.  Visit our Pre-Professional programs page for details.

Choose Your Stream:

You can choose from one of our two pre-defined streams or use the open stream to design your own area of specialization.

Marine Science Courses

Through a partnership with the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre on Vancouver Island, SFU offers students the opportunity to participate in immersive, field-based courses in Marine Science (MASC).  Students can use these courses as elective credit towards their degree or, with approval, to fulfill requirements for either the Ecology, Evolution & Conservation or the Open concentration above.  Please see an advisor for details.