image of insect on a petal


Image: Andreas Fischer

About Our Insectary Facilities

The Department of Biological Sciences Insectary Facilities are available for faculty, staff, and graduate students involved in research in the Department of Biological Sciences. Insects and arachnids housed in these facilities are used in research in ecology and evolution, integrated pest management, and physiology. The facilities have individual user/project space for indoor and outdoor rearing, bioassays, experiments, filming, and photography. There is also shared space for amenities which facilitate this work. The facilities are in two locations on campus, one of which also includes a secure outdoor space.

Teaching technicians also maintain a series of insect cultures separately from the insectary facilities. These insects include several species of exotic cockroach, stick insects, and leaf insects used for scientific outreach and education for students at SFU, elementary and high schools, and the broader community. In addition to this, there is a colony of hide beetles maintained by the Teaching/Collections Technician for cleaning bones and skeletons for the Department of Biological Sciences Teaching Collection.  

Useful Links:

SFU Honey Bee Best Practices Guide