student with pipette in lab

Financial Aid & Awards

Biology-specific Awards

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the following awards are available specifically for students in Biology.  


  • Biological Sciences Merit Scholarship (UESO205) Awarded to the biology major with the highest academic record upon completion of six terms of study or the equivalent thereof. A student may receive this award only ONCE during their undergraduate career. Past and current winners are:
  • Beverley Raymond Scholarship in Biological Sciences or Environmental Studies (UEAO065) Available to students in the biological or environmental sciences who have demonstrated interest and aptitude in these fields through academic achievement (minimum CGPA 3.50) and outdoor activities. Preference will be given to a student in their graduating year of an honors program with an honors project relating to environmental studies.  


  • Ken Turner Memorial Endowment Fund Bursary (UEBO639) Available to a 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student with a specialization in Marine Biology. All students are welcome to apply but preference will be given to a student(s) from the Kimberly area if all other qualifications have been met.
  • Lawrence and Gisela Albright Urgent Need Bursary for Students in Biological Sciences (UEBO782) Granted annually in any term to one or more undergraduate students who meet the following criteria: enrolled full-time in a Bachelor's degree program in the Biological Sciences; in good academic standing; has demonstrated financial need; and, is experiencing an unanticipated adversity while in the pursuit of their education.
  • Peter and Elizabeth Belton Bursary in Biology (UEBO729) Available to students majoring in biology. The bursary is granted on the basis of demonstrated financial need and satisfactory academic performance.
  • Undergraduate Biology Student Union Bursary (UPBO695) One bursary valued at $100 will be available annually in any term. The bursary, based on financial need, will be granted to an undergraduate student who is an approved biology major and is in good academic standing.

Awards and Grants


We encourage students to visit the SFU Financial Aid & Awards site to learn of other awards and opportunities for which they may be eligible.

Tuition and fee information can be found on the SFU Student Services page