Sessional - BISC 106 - Biological Systems for Engineers - 1247 - Blended (Online & Surrey Campus)

The following Sessional appointment is expected to be available in the Department of Biological Sciences during the FALL SEMESTER  (August 26 to December 20, 2024).

SALARY  $5902.00 (inclusive of 4% vacation pay)
Lectures: Support online, pre-recorded lectures
Labs:  1 lab section, F 4:30-6:20

Article XIV E.3.a of the TSSU-SFU Collective Agreement allows for up to 25% of appointments within a given department to be reserved for graduate students or postdoctoral fellows. “While priority will be given to Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in awarding this RESERVED position, all Sessional Instructors are encouraged to apply. In the event it is not filled by a Grad or Postdoc, it will be filled by another qualified applicant in accordance with Article XIV E of the Collective Agreement.”

Course Description: Engineering students are introduced to biological levels of organization and biosystems thinking. Specific lecture and lab topics include: cells and cellular processes, DNA, plant biology, animal biology, pathogens, ecology, and biosystems.

The lecture portion of the course consists of pre-recorded lectures, weekly quizzes, and additional assessments, all administered through Canvas. The Sessional Instructor is responsible for administrative tasks related to lectures and assessments, marking and/or supervising TA marking, and holding online office hours with the students. The lab portion of the course consists of in-person labs, and a lab exam. The Sessional Instructor is responsible for introducing and supervising each lab session; preparing, invigilating, and marking the lab exam; supervising the TA and TA marking. Additionally, the Sessional Instructor will coordinate with the course developer and technician as needed to ensure the course runs smoothly. The Sessional Instructor is responsible for final course grades.

Minimum Qualifications: A master’s degree or equivalent qualification in Biology or a related discipline, with a broad training in the biological sciences including cellular/molecular biology, physiology, ecology, and genetics. Recent relevant laboratory teaching at the post-secondary level.

Recommended Qualifications: A master’s degree or equivalent qualification in Biology or related discipline, with a concentration in cellular/molecular biology or physiology, plus a background in ecology and genetics.  A minimum of 4 months’ experience teaching introductory biology lab courses at the post-secondary level. Experience with course management in Canvas or similar Learning Management System.

To apply, please prepare in advance a cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching statement and contact information for three references as a single file in a portable document format (PDF, ~7MB Maximum size). When ready, submit via the on-line application form at:

If you have questions, please contact Melissa Stephens, Chair’s Secretary, at


The University is committed to the principle of equity in employment. (See Policy GP 19.) 

The information submitted with your application is collected under the authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468, s. 27(4)(a)), applicable federal and provincial employment regulations and requirements, the University's non-academic employment policies and applicable collective agreements.

The information is related directly to and needed by the University to initiate the employment application process. The information will be used to contact references supplied by you, evaluate your qualifications and complete the employment process by making a hiring decision. Applicant information may also be disclosed to the Teaching Support Staff Union in accordance with Article XIII F.3.1.b of the Collective Agreement.

If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information please contact the Associate VP, Human Resources, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6. Telephone 778-782-3237.