What Is racket About ?

Set Your Preferences

Filter the content that will appear on your homepage by selecting which sports, skill levels, and how far away you’d like to search. By inputting your availability we can make sure to find you some perfect matches. Don’t worry, these can always be changed later if needed.

Game Cards

Initiate real life meetings for sport matches by sending them a Game Card. Game Cards can contain player profiles or it can be for matches. Game Cards for player profiles contain personal statistics and records. Game Cards for matches are a place to chat and organize meetings. They contain information such as the date, location and time of proposed matches. After each game, your Game Card is added to your collection of My Cards.

Profile & Friends

Be engaged. Invite your friends and start a Game Card group. Coordinate with people you know or ask someone to be your friend if you had a great match together. Get updates about your friends’ activities in your notifications.