Important Dates for ChicTech 2009!

January 15, 2009 - Application Deadline
Teams must have submitted a completed online application form by January 15, 2009. Your team must identify a sponsoring teacher at your school, and a community liaison who represents the organization for which you propose to build a website. The application also includes a non-technical summary of your project

January 22, 2009 - Selection Announcement
ChicTech committee contacts the selected teams. If more team applications are received than we can accomodate, we select participating teams based on feasibility, creativity, and practicality of their proposed website.

Late January 2009 - Orientation & Start of Project
Orientation at your high school. Teams meet up with their mentors to discuss initial project plans and coordinate communication and meeting times. START the website development!

March 2009 - Mid-project Review
A progress report is submitted to the local committee.

April 25, 2009 9:00AM - Final Projects Due
All projects must be submitted by this date to
Groups begin making their poster for the Awards Ceremony.

May 14, 2009 5:00pm @ ASB, SFU Burnaby Campus - Awards Ceremony
Poster display (Team members please arrive at 4:30 to setup your poster)
Fun speakers
Food and opportunities to meet with other groups
Winners announced and prizes awarded

Last updated: April 2, 2009