FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can a team have more than 4 students?
    • Sorry, currently we prefer having teams of 3 or 4 students.

  2. What kind of non-profit organizations can we work for?
    • Community centers, charity organizations, churches, or even your school clubs.

  3. Where can I find out more about non-profit organizations?
    The following websites may help you finding these organizations:

  4. Does ChicTech Committee provide hardware resources?
    • No, we don't. Please consult your school IT teacher about using school computers in the library or computer labs. Your non-profit organization may be able to arrange computer facilities as well.

  5. Does the ChicTech Committee provide software resources?
    • No, however, the two mentors assigned to your school team might help your to find free software. Computers in your school may also have these kinds of software installed. Please consult your IT teachers for accessing them. NOTE: you may not even need any software to build a good website and having software is not a consideration of whether you will be selected in this pilot project.

  6. What is meant by "feasibility" mentioned in the "Selection Process"?
    • It means that your project can be completed in two months. Professors in the ChicTech committee will read your proposal and decide whether your project is feasible. To increase your chance to be selected, you may want to consult your IT teacher before you submit the on-line application.

  7. What is meant by "practicality"?
    • Your proposed website is practical if it satisfies the need of the non-profit organization.

  8. What can we write in the proposal of the application?
    • You should describe what your team proposes to work on. If you are designing a new website, please discuss some of the features which you are planning to include. If you are working on an existing site, please tell us about the parts of the site which you are going to redesign or what additions you will be making. Please write your proposal in 300 to 500 words.

  9. What is the "poster display"?
    • Between April 25 and May 14, your team will make a poster to demonstrate the process which you went through to create your website. The poster boards at SFU have internal dimensions of about 45" square, so your poster should not be bigger than 45 inches in either dimension. All posters will be submitted and displayed in the ceremony room on May 14. The design of your poster does not affect the final result of ChicTech competition. However, there will a separate competition and prizes for poster design on May 14.

  10. What shall we write on the poster for the "poster display"?
    • Screen shots of the website that you have made and other stuffs based on you creativity.

  11. Can the hours spent on ChicTech competition be counted as community service hours?
    • It is possible if you can make an arrangement with your school counsellors or career advisors because different schools have different policies.

Last updated: April 27, 2009