This is how we designed burst in 8 weeks.

Mockup of home screen


We surveyed 73 people to gain insights about their experiences with their own neightbourhoodsand how they explore. From this data, we discoverd key motivations and pain points.


“Discovering new restaurants is something that I care about finding.”

“It's always nice to experience new things in even familiar cities. It's like traveling to a new place alltogether.

“It’s always exciting finding somewhere new that you enjoy. But I still love going back to places I’ve visited before!”

Pain Points

“When you are local and have been living in your city all your life, you're less likely to explore and just stick to regions you are comfortable with.”

“It’s hard to find places that live up to the standards of your favourite spots.”

“I’ve feel like I’ve seen and done it all.”


Using our research, we started brainstorming wireframes and wireflows to design user tasks that align with our user goals.

An example of an initial wireflow for the search/discover feature:

wireflow images

Prototyping Interactions

Using our grey-box wireflows, we created higher mock-up fedility prototypes to refine the interactions. We also created a styleguide to use for our mockup.

Style guide swatches

An example of an updated wireflow for the search/discover feature:

Interactive Mockup

From our updated wireflows, we built the user tasks into an interactive mockup that we could test interactions with.

Gif of our first mockup

User Testing: Design Problems

We tested 7 users using our interactive mockup with a list of set user tasks. Through our observations and conversations, we discovered the following paint points:

old interest onboarding image
The onboarding lacked personalization beyond types of food you enjoy.
old place page image
The Restaurant/Cafe/Bar tags were appearing clickable and the wording of “block” had a negative connotation.
old home page image
The Map cards did not show enough visual information (pictures) and the users wanted to tap anywhere on the card, rather than just the “View More” button.

Design Solutions

Changes were made based on the feedback we received and user-testing we did.

new interest onboarding image
We shifted the focus to more mood and ambiance.
new place page image
Information is now more clean and less clickable - the “block” option is now replaced by a “don’t show me again” option in the three dot menu.
new home page image
The image is now the key part of the map tag and is focused on how much it matches your mood.

Final Product

View our final product using our interactive mockup.

Or a breakdown of the final features.

Three images of the final product