

The final version of a small tag attached with a flashlight



My Roll

Graphic Designer

Applied Skills/Tools

Sketching & Adobe Illustrator

Tag Design


Simon Fraser University has been chosen lead host for the 2020 Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) conference and exhibition held in Vancouver. As the lead host, my employer prefers to give thanks to all participants with our courtesy - a flashlight. Meanwhile, we planned to design a small tag attached on the flashlight to promote the ideas and achievements of SFU Co-operative Education.


Step 01

Brainstorm to generate ideas by sketching.

Initial sketches for brainstorming - 1 Initial sketches for brainstorming - 2
Initial sketches for brainstorming

Step 02

Create digital drafts based on sketches.

Front-side of the tag
Vertical - Front Side
Back-side of the tag version 1
Vertical - Back Side (version 1)
Back-side of the tag version 2
Vertical - Back Side (version 2)
(horizontal) front-side of the tag
Horizontal - Front Side
(horizontal) back-side of the tag
Horizontal - Back Side

Step 03

Print out selected digital drafts to ask for feedback.

Back Side - Version 1
Back Side (version 1)
Back Side - Version 1 (reversed)
Back Side (version 1) - Rreversed
Front Side - Version 1
Front Side (version 1)
Back Side - Version 2
Back Side (version 2)
Back Side - Version 2 (reversed)
Back Side (version 2) - Reversed
Front Side - Version 2
Front Side (version 2)

Step 04

Refine my design and prepare the file ready for printing.

Design file ready for printing (back side)
Print File - Back Side
Design file ready for printing (front side)
Print File - Front Side

& Solutions

The biggest challenge was to design on such a small tag which is only 2 by 2.5 inches. Not only did I make the text readable and legible, but also included all required information.

Therefore, when I completed the first few drafts, I printed out them with letter-size paper and cut them out. Other than the paper texture, everything else was identical to the final work. So it was easy for people to give feedback on a touchable tag.


For any uncertainty or problem before I start to design, I should search for possible solutions, try them, and test them. Since I never know how my design works until I produce it out. For example, at the beginning, I didn’t make sure the proper font size, so I searched online, tried different sizes, and printed out them to see which one was the best.
