Narrative 'Script'
Since my project is an interactive story, I have written story components into a spreadsheet so I can use use this as a database to implement interactivity later. The main story beats have been written, but I intend to keep expanding it so there will be a good deal of content for the prototype. As such, I have included an embedded copy of my google sheets file so it will always be up-to-date. The $text portions will be parsed and replaced in the final version so the story can be either about a boy or girl depending on the user's selection. Your best friend will be the same gender as your love interest will be opposite sex. the text blocks named 'Male' or 'Female' reference that as the correct option given the protagonist's gender. Bolded text indicates that it associates with a tag for a block of text to trigger, this may be either an option typed by the user or an automatic trigger the user doesn't choose/see. Accumulated triggers reference a point system, as the user makes choices, navigating through the narrative, they will be unaware they are collecting these points based on their decisions. Having certain amounts of these accumulated triggers can cause changes in the story or additional options at certain points in the narrative. If/then statements that depend on accumulated triggers are indicated in red. Finally, the user will have an inventory that they can access by typing 'inventory', they will be made aware in text that items can be collected and given a choice whether or not to do so. Having certain items may be a help or a hinderence at certain times of the story. There might be occasions where they can hide/stash objects to grab later. Lastly, any read content, such as diaries or notes are indicated by italics. Note: Scroll the outer window's horizontal scrollbar below to view the vertical scrollbar for the embedded spreadsheet content.