Welcome to the

Wicked Coven

Join Elphaba in taking control of her own destiny.

Witch in black robe.

The Wicked One

Elphaba is a feisty, short-tempered, kind, smart, free-thinking, brave, freedom-fighter who does what she knows is right. No matter how much people hurt and make fun of her, she still does what's right. She talks a lot, and spends most of her time alone, as she had no friends until she came to Shiz.


"Some things I cannot change,
But 'til I try, I'll never know."


Her Side of the Story

After being accepted to Crage Hall, Elphaba is paired off to room with Galinda Upland, a beautiful, spoiled and highly privileged girl of noble blood and Gillikinese descent. Galinda is popular and well known due to her wealth and being blessed with fair skin, attractive physical features, and curly golden hair. At first Galinda is repulsed and uncomfortable around Elphaba, due both to her green skin and lack of social standing. As time goes by Galinda becomes more comfortable around Elphaba.

See the other side