Example: . Then
and the chain is otherwise specivied by and . The matrix is
The backward equations become
while the forward equations are
Add first plus third backward equations to get
Put t=0 to get . This gives
Plug this back in to the first equation and get
Multiply by and get
which can be integrated to get
Alternative calculation:
can be written as
so we get
Notice: rows of are a stationary initial distribution. If rows are then
Fact: is long run fraction of time in state 0.
Ergodic Theorem in continuous time.
Birth and Death Processes
Consider a population of X(t) individuals. Suppose in next time interval (t,t+h) probability of population increase of 1 (called a birth) is and probability of decrease of 1 (death) is .
Jargon: X is a birth and death process.
Special cases:
All ; called a pure birth process.
All (0 is absorbing): pure death process.
and is a linear birth and death process.
, : Poisson Process.
and is a linear birth and death process with immigration.
Queuing Theory
Ingredients of Queuing Problem:
1: Queue input process.
2: Number of servers
3: Queue discipline: first come first serve? last in first out? pre-emptive priorities?
4: Service time distribution.
Example: Imagine customers arriving at a facility at times of a Poisson Process N with rate . This is the input process, denoted M (for Markov) in queuing literature.
Single server case:
Service distribution: exponential service times, rate .
Queue discipline: first come first serve.
X(t) = number of customers in line at time t.
X is a Markov process called M/M/1 queue:
Example: queue:
Customers arrive according to PP rate . Each customer begins service immediately. X(t) is number being served at time t. X is a birth and death process with
Stationary Initial Distributions
We have seen that a stationary initial distribution is a probability vector solving
Rewrite this as
Interpretation: LHS is rate at which process leaves state j; process is in state j a fraction of time and then makes transition at rate . RHS is total rate of arrival in state j. For each state is fraction of time spent in state i and then the instantaneous rate of transition from i to j.
So equation says:
Rate of departure from j balances rate of arrival to j. This is called balance.
Application to birth and death processes:
Equation is
for and
Notice that this permits the recursion
which extends by induction to
Apply to get
This gives the formula announced:
then we have defined a probability vector which solves
we see that
so that is constant. Put t=0 to discover that the constant is .