Proof of 4): Fix for such that
Given N(T)=n we compute the probability of the event
Intersection of A and N(T)=n is ( ):
whose probability is
Divide by and let all go to 0 to get joint density of is
which is the density of order statistics from a Uniform[0,T] sample of size n.
5) Replace the event with . With A as before we want
Note that B is independent of and that we have already found the limit
We are left to compute the limit of
The denominator is
This gives the conditional density of given as in 4).
Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes
The idea of hazard rate can be used to extend the notion of Poisson Process. Suppose is a function of t. Suppose N is a counting process such that
Then N has independent increments and N(t+s)-N(t) has a Poisson distribution with mean
If we put
then mean of N(t+s)-N(T) is .
Jargon: is the intensity or instaneous intensity and the cumulative intensity.
Can use the model with any non-decreasing right continuous function, possibly without a derivative. This allows ties.