Convolution: If X and Y independent rvs with densities f and g respectively and Z=X+Y then
Differentiating wrt z we get
This integral is called the convolution of densities f and g.
If iid Exponential then has a Gamma distribution. Density of is
for s> 0.
This telescopes to
Properties of Poisson Processes
Then N is a Poisson process on [0,T] with rate .
Indications of some proofs:
1) independent Poisson processes rates , . Let be the event of 2 or more points in N in the time interval (t,t+h], , the event of exactly one point in N in the time interval (t,t+h].
Let and be the corresponding events for .
Let denote the history of the processes up to time t; we condition on .
Note that
we have checked one of the two infinitesimal conditions for a Poisson process.
Next note
so that
On the other hand let be the event of no points in N in the time interval (t,t+h] and the same for . Then
Hence N is a Poisson process with rate .
2) The infinitesimal approach used for 1 can do part of this. See text for rest. Events defined as in 1): The event that there is one point in in (t,t+h] is the event, that there is exactly one point in any of the r processes together with a subset of where there are two or more points in N in (t,t+h] but exactly one is labeled i. Since
Similarly, is a subset of so
This shows each is Poisson with rate . To get independence requires more work; see the text for the algebraic method which is easier.
3) Fix s< t. Let N(s,t) be the number of points in (s,t]. Given N=n the conditional distribution of N(s,t) is Binomial(n,p) with p=(s-t)/T. So
4): Fix for such that
Given N(T)=n we compute the probability of the event
Intersection of A and N(T)=n is ( ):
whose probability is
Divide by and let all go to 0 to get joint density of is
which is the density of order statistics from a Uniform[0,T] sample of size n.
5) Replace the event with . With A as before we want
Note that B is independent of and that we have already found the limit
We are left to compute the limit of
The denominator is
This gives the conditional density of given as in 4).
Inhomogeneous Poisson Processes
The idea of hazard rate can be used to extend the notion of Poisson Process. Suppose is a function of t. Suppose N is a counting process such that
Then N has independent increments and N(t+s)-N(t) has a Poisson distribution with mean
If we put
then mean of N(t+s)-N(T) is .
Jargon: is the intensity or instaneous intensity and the cumulative intensity.
Can use the model with any non-decreasing right continuous function, possibly without a derivative. This allows ties.
Continuous Time Markov Chains
Model for population growth: at time t population size is N(t). In next h time units: population goes up 1 or down 1 (or stays same). Larger movements unlikely.
Natural model has probability of birth large when population size large, small when population size small.