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STAT 380 Lecture 13

Mean time in transient states

\begin{displaymath}{\bf P}= \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
\frac{1}{2} & \frac{1}{2} ...
... & \frac{1}{4} & \frac{3}{8} & \frac{1}{8}

States 3 and 4 are transient. Let mi,j be the expected total number of visits to state j for chain started in i.

For i=1 or i=2 and j=3 or 4:

mij = 0

For j=1 or j=2

\begin{displaymath}m_{ij} = \infty

For $i,j \in \{3,4\}$ first step analysis:
\begin{align*}m_{3,3} & = 1+ \frac{1}{4} m_{3,3} + \frac{1}{4} m_{4,3}
m_{4,4} & = 0 + \frac{3}{8} m_{3,4} + \frac{1}{8} m_{4,4}

In matrix form
\begin{align*}\left[\begin{array}{cc} m_{3,3} &m_{3,4} \\ \\
m_{4,3} &m_{4,4}\e...
...ray}{cc} m_{3,3} &m_{3,4} \\ \\
m_{4,3} &m_{4,4}\end{array}\right]

Translate to matrix notation:

\begin{displaymath}{\bf M} = {\bf I} + {\bf P}_T {\bf M}

where $\bf I$ is the identity, $\bf M$ is the matrix of means and ${\bf P}_T$ the part of the transition matrix corresponding to transient states.

Solution is

\begin{displaymath}{\bf M} = ({\bf I} - {\bf P}_T)^{-1}

In our case

\begin{displaymath}{\bf I} - {\bf P}_T =
\left[\begin{array}{rr} \frac{3}{4} &...
...rac{1}{4} \\ \\
-\frac{3}{8} & \frac{7}{8}

so that

\begin{displaymath}{\bf M} = \left[\begin{array}{rr} \frac{14}{9} & -\frac{4}{9} \\ \\
-\frac{2}{3} & \frac{4}{3}

Poisson Processes

Particles arriving over time at a particle detector. Several ways to describe most common model.

Approach 1: numbers of particles arriving in an interval has Poisson distribution, mean proportional to length of interval, numbers in several non-overlapping intervals independent.

For s<t, denote number of arrivals in (s,t] by N(s,t). Model is

N(s,t) has a Poisson $(\lambda(t-s))$ distribution.

For $ 0 \le s_1 < t_1 \le s_2 < t_2 \cdots \le s_k < t_k$ the variables $N(s_i,t_i);i=1,\ldots,k$ are independent.

Approach 2:

Let $0 < S_1 <S_2 < \cdots $ be the times at which the particles arrive.

Let Ti = Si-Si-1 with S0=0 by convention.

Then $T_1,T_2,\ldots$are independent Exponential random variables with mean $1/\lambda$.

Note $P(T_i > x) =e^{-\lambda x}$ is called survival function of Ti.

Approaches are equivalent. Both are deductions of a model based on local behaviour of process.

Approach 3: Assume:

given all the points in [0,t] the probability of 1 point in the interval (t,t+h] is of the form

\begin{displaymath}\lambda h +o(h)

given all the points in [0,t] the probability of 2 or more points in interval (t,t+h] is of the form


All 3 approaches are equivalent. I show: 3 implies 1, 1 implies 2 and 2 implies 3. First explain o, O.

Notation: given functions f and g we write

f(h) = g(h) +o(h)


\begin{displaymath}\lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(h)-g(h)}{h} = 0

[Aside: if there is a constant M such that

\begin{displaymath}\limsup_{h \to 0} \left\vert\frac{f(h)-g(h)}{h}\right\vert \le M

we say

f(h) = g(h)+O(h)

Notation due to Landau. Another form is

f(h) = g(h)+O(h)

means there is $\delta>0$ and M s.t. for all $\vert h\vert<\delta$

\begin{displaymath}\vert f(h)-g(h) \vert\le M h

Idea: o(h) is tiny compared to h while O(h) is (very) roughly the same size as h.]

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Richard Lockhart