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STAT 330 Lecture 36: Review of Course

Experimental Designs

You will need to be able to recognize, in a problem description, the following experimental or sampling designs. For each context i have prepared a list of techniques you are expected to be able to apply:

  1. One simple random sample

    1. Tests of tex2html_wrap_inline95 with either 1 sided or two sided alternatives or tests of tex2html_wrap_inline97 (or tex2html_wrap_inline99 ) against a one sided alternative.

      • Using normal tests if by some miracle tex2html_wrap_inline101 is known.
      • Using t based tests when tex2html_wrap_inline101 is estimated
      • Using normal tests when tex2html_wrap_inline101 is estimated and n is large and t based P values are unavailable.

    2. Confidence intervals for the true value of tex2html_wrap_inline115 based on the same distributional considerations as for the hypothesis tests.
    3. Confidence intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline101 based on the tex2html_wrap_inline119 distribution. Don't forget to distinguish between the variance tex2html_wrap_inline121 and the standard deviation tex2html_wrap_inline101 .
    4. Hypothesis tests for tex2html_wrap_inline125 (or with tex2html_wrap_inline127 or tex2html_wrap_inline99 based on the tex2html_wrap_inline119 distribution. You need to be aware that this test requires that the population distribution be normal, even in large samples.
    5. Power calculations. You should know how to compute tex2html_wrap_inline133 making a normal approximation for a problem in which tex2html_wrap_inline101 is known.
    6. Sample size calculations for one or two tailed hypothesis tests when you are given: specified Type I error rate tex2html_wrap_inline137 , specified Type II error rate tex2html_wrap_inline133 , specified null hypothesis value tex2html_wrap_inline141 , specified discrepancy between the true value tex2html_wrap_inline115 and the hypothesized value tex2html_wrap_inline141 . (You need to know tex2html_wrap_inline147 and you might be told that or you might be told tex2html_wrap_inline115 and tex2html_wrap_inline101 separately.

  2. Replicate measurements under identical circumstances of a single quantity: This is treated the same way as a single sample problem. We use the model


    where the tex2html_wrap_inline155 are independent and identically distributed from a population with mean 0 and variance tex2html_wrap_inline121 . In this case we regard the measurements tex2html_wrap_inline159 as a sample from an infinite population whose mean is tex2html_wrap_inline115 and


    Techniques are all the same as the previous problem. There is one further sort of problem I could ask about. Measuring instruments can be calibrated by making a measurement where the true value tex2html_wrap_inline141 is known (such as weighing an object whose weight is accurately known). Testing tex2html_wrap_inline167 is the same as testing tex2html_wrap_inline169 .

  3. Two independent random samples

    1. Test the hypothesis tex2html_wrap_inline171 (or with tex2html_wrap_inline127 or tex2html_wrap_inline99 ) with one or two tailed alternatives.

      • Using a pooled estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline101 and a two sample t test if the sample sizes are small. There are tex2html_wrap_inline181 degrees of freedom in this case.
      • Using


        to estimate the standard error of tex2html_wrap_inline185 if the sample sizes are reasonably large and it appears that tex2html_wrap_inline187 .

    2. Confidence intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline189 with the same considerations for estimating the standard error of tex2html_wrap_inline185 .
    3. Tests of the hypothesis tex2html_wrap_inline193 based on the F distribution. You need to be aware that this test requires that the population distribution be normal, even in large samples. You need to know how to carry out a two tailed test as well as a one tailed test.
    4. Confidence intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline197 again based on the F distribution.
    5. Sample size calculations based on normal theory. You should be aware that when the resulting sample size is small and tex2html_wrap_inline101 is not really known you should use the graphs in the Appendix for power of the t test.

  4. A sample of pairs

    This is the design we have analyzed using 3 tools:

    1. To test for equality of means use a paired comparisons t-test. You should know how to get confidence intervals for the difference in means and how to do a sample size and power calculation in this setting. (You use 1 sample ideas on the differences tex2html_wrap_inline207 .)
    2. To predict Y from X use regression. (See the discussion below for what you need to know about regression.
    3. Correlation analysis. You need to be able to do tests of tex2html_wrap_inline213 and get confidence intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline215 based on Fisher's z-transform.

  5. I samples: the one way layout

    1. ANOVA table: properties, degrees of freedom, sums of squares, mean squares and so on.
    2. Tests of tex2html_wrap_inline221 .
    3. Model equation tex2html_wrap_inline223 .
    4. Confidence intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline225 :

      • One at a time: t intervals.
      • Simultaneous: Tukey.

    5. Diagnostic plots.

  6. Two factor designs

    1. Completely randomized. Experimental units are assigned at random to levels of each of two factors.
    2. Randomized (Complete) Blocks. One of the factors is a blocking factor; the level of such a factor to which an experimental unit belongs is generally beyond the control of the experimenter.

  7. Two factor designs with replicates

    1. ANOVA table has rows: Factor A, Factor B, Interaction, Error and Total.
    2. Know properties of ANOVA table.
    3. Test for interactions.
    4. If no interactions are detected test for main effects.
    5. Model equation: tex2html_wrap_inline229 .
    6. One at a time (t) and simultaneous (Tukey) confidence intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline233 .
    7. Diagnostic plots.

  8. Two factor designs without replicates

    1. ANOVA table has rows: Factor A, Factor B, Error and Total.
    2. Know properties of ANOVA table.
    3. Test for main effects.
    4. Model equation: tex2html_wrap_inline235 .
    5. One at a time (t) and simultaneous (Tukey) confidence intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline233 .
    6. Diagnostic plots.

Coverage of course in textbook

  1. Chapter 6: all except from foot of page 253 to middle of page 257.

  2. Chapter 7: all . Confidence Intervals.

  3. Chapter 8: all . Hypothesis tests.

  4. Chapter 9: all . Two sample problems.

  5. Chapter 10: omit power, sample size and random effects models
  6. Chapter 11: Sections 1 and 2 only
  7. Chapter 12: All except coefficient of determination, Bonferroni intervals. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation.

Final Exam Advice

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Richard Lockhart
Wed Apr 1 15:11:22 PST 1998