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STAT 330 Lecture 18

Reading for Today's Lecture: 9.5, 10.1.

Goals of Today's Lecture:

Today's notes

We will test the hypothesis tex2html_wrap_inline109 in 2 independent samples tex2html_wrap_inline111 , tex2html_wrap_inline113 using a variance ratio


and get P-values from tex2html_wrap_inline119 .

Example: for Michelson data n=m=20 and


In F tables we find




so that P < 0.01 for a one sided test. In fact, using SPlus I get P=0.003 one-sided and P=0.006 for a two sided test. Conclusion: The SD of the measurement error has clearly changed from the first 20 to the last 20 measurements.

Next topic: Use same style of test to test


for I>2. This is the so-called ``I sample problem''.

More than 2 samples



Jargon: ``I levels of some factor influencing the response variable X.''

The idea is that tex2html_wrap_inline147 s are results for treatment 1, etc.

Note: in book tex2html_wrap_inline149 which is generally a good design.


Problems of interest:

  1. Give confidence intervals for contrasts like tex2html_wrap_inline169 , tex2html_wrap_inline171 , etc. (A contrast is a linear combination where the coefficients add up to 0.)
  2. Give hypothesis tests for tex2html_wrap_inline173 .
  3. ``Multiple comparisons'' (Several confidence intervals used simultaneously -- what is the overall probability of any errors.)

We do (2) first:

Technique: ANalysis Of VAriance or ANOVA.

Idea: Compare two independent estimates of tex2html_wrap_inline175 using an F test.

The theory:

1: In each sample we have an estimate


where tex2html_wrap_inline181 is notation for the average of the tex2html_wrap_inline183 sample:


We pool these estimates to get the Mean Square for Error or MSE


where tex2html_wrap_inline189 is the total number of observations in all the samples and I is the number of samples.

2: The other ``estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline175 '' is valid only if tex2html_wrap_inline195 is true. If tex2html_wrap_inline197 and all the tex2html_wrap_inline199 then tex2html_wrap_inline201 are an iid sample of size I from a population which has a tex2html_wrap_inline205 distribution. The sample variance of the tex2html_wrap_inline201 is


where now


This sample variance is an estimate of the population variance tex2html_wrap_inline213 and can be used to estimate tex2html_wrap_inline175 by multiplying by n.

Our tests of the hypothesis of no difference between the means tex2html_wrap_inline155 to tex2html_wrap_inline221 will be based on the ratio of these two estimates of tex2html_wrap_inline175 . The crucial factor is that the second estimate of tex2html_wrap_inline175 was derived by adding the assumption that the null hypothesis is TRUE so that all the tex2html_wrap_inline181 are sampled from the SAME population. One other point is that the restriction that all the sample sizes be equal is not needed, though the second variance estimate then becomes more complicated.

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Richard Lockhart
Mon Feb 9 11:16:00 PST 1998