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STAT 330 Lecture 17

Reading for Today's Lecture: 7.4, 9.5

Goals of Today's Lecture:

Today's notes

Summary of Sample Size Calculations

The text gives formulas for sample sizes and power calculations for one and two sample problems for means and proportions with one or two sided alternatives which are useful if the solution is a reasonably large sample size (so that estimation of tex2html_wrap_inline106 can be more or less ignored and so that normal approximations to tex2html_wrap_inline108 and tex2html_wrap_inline110 can be made). It also gives a method of estimating sample sizes in small samples from normal populations for use in either a one or two sample context; see Appendix A.13.

Inference for Variances

Theorem: If tex2html_wrap_inline112 is a sample from a normal population with mean tex2html_wrap_inline114 and SD tex2html_wrap_inline106 then:

  1. tex2html_wrap_inline108 has a tex2html_wrap_inline120 distribution, or equivalently,


  2. tex2html_wrap_inline124 has a tex2html_wrap_inline126 distribution; in words a chi-squared distribution on n-1 degrees of freedom.
  3. tex2html_wrap_inline108 and tex2html_wrap_inline132 are independent random variables.
  4. the t pivot


    has a t distribution on n-1 degrees of freedom.

This theorem is based on:

Definition: If tex2html_wrap_inline142 are iid N(0,1) then we say that tex2html_wrap_inline146 has a chi-squared distribution on tex2html_wrap_inline148 degrees of freedom.

Fact: The density of W is


That is, tex2html_wrap_inline154 is a Gamma distribution with shape tex2html_wrap_inline156 and scale 2.

Fact: If U and V are independent, U is N(0,1) and V is tex2html_wrap_inline154 then


Related Fact: If tex2html_wrap_inline172 and tex2html_wrap_inline174 are independent and tex2html_wrap_inline172 has a tex2html_wrap_inline178 distribution and tex2html_wrap_inline174 has a tex2html_wrap_inline182 distribution then we say


with tex2html_wrap_inline186 numerator degrees of freedom and tex2html_wrap_inline188 denominator degrees of freedom.

Here are some plots of F densities. Notice the centering around 1 when the two degrees of freedom are both large.

Inferential Uses

  1. Confidence Intervals for tex2html_wrap_inline106 . Since


    we get confidence intervals at level tex2html_wrap_inline194 for tex2html_wrap_inline196 by taking the interval between




    Take a square root to get confidence intervals for the more meaningful parameter tex2html_wrap_inline106 .

  2. Tests for tex2html_wrap_inline204 against the two sided alternative tex2html_wrap_inline206 by rejecting at level tex2html_wrap_inline208 if either




    To get P values you take the one tailed P value from F tables and double it.

  3. In the two sample problem we can test for the hypothesis of equal variances (an assumption we make to do a two sample t test). If our data are tex2html_wrap_inline112 a sample from a tex2html_wrap_inline224 population and tex2html_wrap_inline226 a sample from a tex2html_wrap_inline228 population then we test tex2html_wrap_inline230 by computing


    and rejecting the null in favour of the alternative tex2html_wrap_inline234 if


    where the quantity tex2html_wrap_inline238 denotes the point such that the area to the right of this point under an F density with n-1 numerator degrees of freedom and m-1 denominator degrees of freedom is tex2html_wrap_inline208 .

Example: Michelson data, first 20 measurements and last 20 measurements are X's and Y's. We find tex2html_wrap_inline252 and tex2html_wrap_inline254 .

Consider first the problem of a confidence interval for tex2html_wrap_inline256 the population standard deviation of the measurement errors for the first 20 measurements. There are 19 degrees of freedom for tex2html_wrap_inline258 and the critical values are




from A.6 on page 708 in the text. This leads to the interval for tex2html_wrap_inline256 running from




or from 18.3 to 35.2.

Next consider the question of whether or not the precision of the measurements has changed. We test tex2html_wrap_inline230 against the two sided alternative.


There are 19 numerator and 19 denominator degrees of freedom. Now the F tables contain upper tail critical points only for the upper tail probabilities 0.05 and 0.01. We find




[NOTE: the tables give only 15 and 20 numerator degrees of freedom; I interpolated to get my numbers by linear interpolation - since 19 is four fifths of the way between 15 1nd 20 I went four fifths fo the way between the figures in the two columns under 15 and 20.]

In fact our F value is large than 3.03 so we would reject the hypothesis at the level 0.02 if our alternatie is two sided and at the level 0.01 if our alternative is one sided. Using Splus software I get a one tailed P value of 0.00298. and a 2 tailed P value twice that or roughly 0.006. In any case we conclude that there is compelling evidence of a change in the precision of the measurements from the first twenty to the last twenty made by Michelson.

Implication: the two sample t test for a change in bias is inappropriate; you should use the Satterthwaite approximate calculation of the degrees of freedom for the UNPOOLED version of the two sample test. This method is described on pp 362 and 363.

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Richard Lockhart
Wed Feb 4 08:10:44 PST 1998