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STAT 330 Lecture 16

Reading for Today's Lecture: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4: focus on power and sample size calculations.

Goals of Today's Lecture:

Today's notes

Sample Size Calculations



and solve for n. You need to specify:

Our example had tex2html_wrap_inline118 and tex2html_wrap_inline120 . So


which happens if


which we solve to get




In our example
tex2html_wrap_inline130 tex2html_wrap_inline132
tex2html_wrap_inline134 tex2html_wrap_inline136
tex2html_wrap_inline138 tex2html_wrap_inline140 tex2html_wrap_inline142

so that


We round up to n=20 to get the type II error rate to be definitely under 10%.

CRITICISM: the catalyst may very well have changed tex2html_wrap_inline148 and tex2html_wrap_inline148 will normally be unknown.

You would then use the equation


Notice that n shows up in two places in the formula.

Problem: Solution depends not on the alternative tex2html_wrap_inline156 but really on tex2html_wrap_inline158 and you need to specify a value for this quantity which is harder to interpret than tex2html_wrap_inline160 usually. You then look up tex2html_wrap_inline162 versus n in the graph in Appendix A.13. The solution is generally bigger than the formula above for the same value of d.

A two sample example



(A calculation of this sort might have been made ahead of the 1954 Salk polio vaccine trials.)

WARNING: Polio is a contagious disease (though not terribly so) and so the independence between people is in grave doubt.

Sample size determination requires the following ingredients:

We take tex2html_wrap_inline130 and tex2html_wrap_inline182 and try various values of tex2html_wrap_inline178 in the range of 30 to 50 per 100,000 and tex2html_wrap_inline176 in the range of 1 to 40 per 100,000 but in any case with tex2html_wrap_inline188 .

We use the usual test statistic with n=m, namely,


We make the approximation that the value of tex2html_wrap_inline194 will be roughly tex2html_wrap_inline196 and then compute


So to find n set


and solve for n. This can be done. Here is a contour plot of the results. The contours indicate combinations of tex2html_wrap_inline176 and tex2html_wrap_inline178 which require the sample size indicated on the line. Notice that the sample sizes are VERY large.

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Richard Lockhart
Wed Feb 4 07:06:26 PST 1998