My goal of my portfolio is to demonstrate that I am a Product/UX Designer who focuses a lot on research, strategy, interaction design, and the overall design process rather than focus on visual design or the final product. As such, the design of my page is very stripped down and typopgrahy focused (sort of like the brutalist web design trend), such that the focus is on the projects and the content.
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An in-depth exploration into VR entertainment, livestreamed 360 video, and the social VR experience.
A solution that aids with Design Within Reach's brand perception problem while reducing many of the customer frictions experienced in-store.
The most challenging part of the project was the steep learning curve we had to climb in order to make our VR prototype. We wanted something that was real, that worked - which is why we decided to learn how to develop a Daydream prototype using Unity. As I had previous game development experience, I worked ahead and began testing and developing other features while
Working in this quick "learn then prototype" environment led to several smart "hacks" in our final prototype. For example, animations were split up between 60 fps sprite sheets from After Effects and using Unity's more basic animation and transition states. We made use of
After concluding and summarizing our test results, we turned to evaluating our prototype. However, since VR can be difficult to evaluate in groups and we were limited in resources, we decided to print out screenshots of the VR interface as static assets and in VR. Thus we could look at how changes in interface and assets are affected in and out of VR.
After a tour is selected, user's are guided through the store with a wayfinding map (integrated with iBeacon technology). This helps reduce the cognitive overhead of physically finding products and minimizes the paradox of choice and intimidation from the large studio space.
We wanted to explore the idea of modularity and customization within the VR space. Building off the existing audio module of the Daydream, we wanted to enable users to experience their game however they want. Using audio as an example, we allow the user to balance the audio of the group call, default commentator, the stadium crowd/ambient noise, and even music if they wish to stream audio from another app. And to make things more convenient, we provide quick toggles for muting and presets so users don't have to fumble as much with their Daydream controller.