Echo: Process Analysis

About the Project

Echo is a group project that involves a virtual reality (VR) experience art installation, where it was created in our immersive environment class at Simon Fraser University (SFU). Our task was to create an immersive experience in the feeling of “beyond”. As a group we wanted to tackle a real-world problem, rather than just to use VR for “wow” factors. Overall, we had to create an art installation that brings together reality (the SFU Mezzanine) and to bring (convince) our players to a new perspective.

Echo displaces you from your seat to the arctic, where you assume the body of a polar bear, whose bear cubs were separated from you due to global warming. We wanted to use VR as a way to convey an emotional experience to help reinforce the idea of global warming in which the decisions we make and the outcomes it produces on defenseless animals in the north.

The biggest challenge for this course is its premises. The course itself was an “intersession course”, which means a whole semester (approximately 14 weeks) is condensed to only half a semester (9 weeks). Time constraint is a major factor and the condensed and immense workload were the biggest obstacle for creating Echo.


Programs and Software Used


Project Topic and Mechanic Ideation

Before we came to the final idea above, we went through various iterations throughout the semester. Initially we wanted to combine an escape room idea, with a global issue like global warming. Another idea consisted of a multiplayer game, where one player’s decisions in a survey affects the virtual reality experience of the other player.

One of the major issues here was the inability to stick to one idea. Each iteration provided more labour for us, more workload, more complexity. We solved this issue by finding a “happy middle” while discusses with our mentors.

In the end, we decided to use a short narrative with one player, where the user assumes the body of a parental polar bear, who lose their cub due to a recent earthquake caused by shifting and melting glaciers. In terms of game mechanic, the user must roar so their lost cubs will roar back. The cub roar acts as an audio beacon and the user must use their hearing to guide their direction, while walking through the terrain and avoiding to fall into the toxic ocean. They must find their lost cub before the icebergs have separated too far and renders it impossible to find the cub.

the storyboard for the narrative of the Echo virtual reality experience the storyboard for the Echo installation
Figure 1: From top-to-bottom: the narrative storyboard within VR, the storyboard for the art installation procedure.

Creating the Environment

There were several ways, I could have created the terrain. However, we decided to do a low-poly art-style to save time, while also creating a “child-like” appearance and ambiguity for a light-hearted feeling on the overall experience. We agreed that hyper-realism may be too gruesome.

The landmass was relatively easy to create because the arctic is fairly barren with snow and ice. After creating the environment, I simply shifted them to a “low-poly” aesthetic and proceeded to separate them into chunks.

a Maya 3D model of the polar bear cave a Maya 3D model of the terrain in low-poly a 3D model in Unity of the polar bear cave
Figure 2: From top-to-bottom: the Maya 3D model of the polar bear cave, the Maya 3D model of the low-poly terrain, the finished 3D model of the polar bear cave in Unity.

It was rather frustrating to work with Maya’s “shatter” effects because it tended to glitch and crash the program when the polygons are too detailed. However, I had to tolerate much of these bugs and repeatedly shatter the landmass, despite of the glitches.

a cracked separated 3D model landmasses in Maya
Figure 3: "Shattering" the terrain in Maya.

Creating the Polar Bears

Creating a character was fairly new to me. The polar bear model was one of the challenges I had to quickly learn, adapt and solve due to the time constraint. My first attempt of the polar bear for our draft was quite… strange. I tried to give them more of a humanoid persona by giving them the body of a human with a polar bear head, but it proved to be odd. However, this was not a waste of time, because it helped me remember old tools I forgot about in Maya because I have not modelled in quite some time.

three humanoid 3D models of polar bear cubs, floating on an iceberg with their arms stretched out
Figure 4: My first attempt in creating a polar bear.

For my second attempt, much of my time creating the polar bear was playing around with Maya tools and using an image diagram of a side-view polar bear as a reference. I decided to use a reference to make a more convincing and realistic polar bear.

a blob of 3D polygon beside a diagram of a polar bear in Maya half of the 3D polygon of a polar bear, beside a diagram of a polar bear in Maya the head and body of the low-poly 3D polygon polar bear beside a diagram of a polar bear in Maya a worm's eyeview of the finished low-poly 3D polygon polar bear beside a diagram of a polar bear in Maya the low-poly 3D polygon polar bear in Unity
Figure 5: My second attempt in creating a polar bear involved referencing a diagram to create a semi-realistic polar bear. The last photo is the finished product opened in Unity.

Another new problem in this portion of the project was rigging and animating. In my first project involving Maya, “Polygone”, I was hyper-focused on modelling and barely made progress in my rigging or animating skills. Therefore, I had to quickly learn how to rig and animate again from online tutorial videos and my colleague, Eva Li, who was also in the Polygone project. In Echo, my main contribution was modelling and animating the bears, however there was a bird component where Eva had to do the rigging and animation.

the rigged skeleton in a transparent version of the low-poly 3D polar bear in Maya
Figure 6: Shows the my rigged skeleton for the polar bear for later animation use.

Putting It All Together

This was not a very linear process, much of it was in a loop of: create the model, render them into Unity, and then apply ambiance. This loop continued until all models were placed created in Maya and placed in Unity. Applying ambiance in this case means applying all the aesthetic of cold, northern, and arctic such as: the northern lights, sound, fog, light, snow, wind, water and gust. All of these ambience effect was added by me in Unity.

simulated aurora northern lights in Unity
Figure 7: The aurora northern lights above the arctic environment.
a screenshot of Jameson's progress in creating the snow fall and lighting, while also showing the Unity User Interface
Figure 8: Creating the snow and atmospheric lighting of the arctic environment. This also shows the interminent waves of snow and fog.
a simulated 3D low-poly scenery of an iceberg in water
Figure 9: Water added to the polar glacier ice.
a simulated frozen land with the aurora lights showing and snow fall
Figure 10: A long shot of the scenery in the virtual reality environment.

This is the video that summarizes our project: Video

In terms of functionality and game mechanic, these were all applied by our programmer, Eva Li, whereas the sounds were tempered by Larry Tsai, my other group member. I had to direct Eva what to do, and which code to add to which model, while I also asked Larry to create/find ambient music and sound effects that enhances the “Arctic atmosphere” of Echo. Much of my inspiration is just from my ideal biases of the arctic, as well as inspirations from real sources, such as works by Al Gore.

Around this time, Eva was also hard at work on our physical installation. This installation will be the external immersive factor of Echo, which is creating a physical igloo at the SFU Mezzanine, that leads the user to further immersion, using the VR experience we created together.

Final Remarks

Echo was second major project that involved a heavy use of Maya for me. However, it was a learning experience because it changed my perspective from just creating models for animation purposes to immersive factors involving virtual reality! It was really fun being able to “be” in the place that I created in Maya and Unity! It was also a great challenge for me to finally move on from just modelling but to rigging and animating. Echo also forced me to combine 3D modelling in Maya with a game engine such as Unity, which can be an interesting duo for my future gaming projects with 3D assets.