A low-poly 3D model of Earth in outer space, overlayed into a crumbling header image

Hi There!

Welcome to my portfolio!

My name is Jameson Rebutoc

I am currently an undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT) and a minor in Psychology at Simon Fraser University (SFU). Because SIAT covers a variety of topics in interactive systems, desgn and media arts, I have a wide range of skillsets including: Designing user interfaces (UI) for better user experiences (UX), digital and traditional arts, 3D and 2D modelling, game development and design.

I am also pursuing a minor in Psychology because I want to be able to understand people to create better projects. In Psychology, we study how people think, feel, and behave in order for us to understand, predict and control behaviours. By learning psychology, I can apply my understanding and theories of how the human mind works into my projects. For example:

Also, Psychology is fun and interesting!

Either way, the constant in all of these projects and skillsets is that I love creating things. I love to learn new technology, new art styles, new techniques, new programs and more. I am a creator!

Experiences and Skillset:



Polygone is an animation film project where four characters embark on a journey to find the polygone gem. This contains a montage of various environmental scenes. This is my first every 3D modelling project, and this was also created in the SFU course that I realized I loved 3D modelling and low-poly.

Programs involved:

  • Autodesk 2016 Maya
  • Adobe Photoshop

Echo is an interactive and immersive art installation that addresses the impact of global warming on polar bears. The player uses the Oculus Rift to become a polar bear, with the goal of finding their lost cubs who were separated due to the melting glacier. It uses a marco-polo game mechanic by using their hands and ears to safely navigate the terrain

Programs involved:

  • Autodesk 2016 Maya
  • Unity Game Engine
  • Oculus Rift TK1
Dark Ages

Dark Ages is a puzzle, horror and platformer narrative game about a boy named Solis who must reach the sanctuary while avoiding being seen by the eyes. My main role was to ideate, and conceptualize all characters and to render and animate all of Solis and most enemy animations within the game.

Programs involved:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Spriter





(778) 668-9466