Notes for The Business of Engineering, ENSC-201

Broadly speaking, this course covers what you need to know to make rational decisions about money. We will be covering the time value of money, methods for comparing alternative investment strategies, taxes, and ways to deal with risk and uncertainty. You should not expect any of this to be particularly interesting, but there is a good chance you'll find it useful.

Classes are on Mondays and Fridays at 3:30-4:20 in AQ 3150, and at 7:30 pm on Wednesdays, in the same place. The Wednesday class is held together with the business class, BUS 477, and will be used for guest lectures and for a joint engineering/business project, which can lead to valuable cash prizes. I will be setting assignments almost every week; assignments are due one week after they're set. This is a three-credit course; according to the equation 1 credit-hour =3 hours of work a week, you should be spending about 9 hours a week on work related to this course. If you find that you are consistently having to spend more time than this, please let me know.

John Jones
Thursday July 24, 2008