An explanatory note: The two courses ENSC 201 and ENSC 411 share all their lectures, assignments and exams.
So you can only get academic credit for one of them.
The significant difference between them is that ENSC 411 is paired with BUS 477 in the Faculty of Business.
To enrol in ENSC 411, you need to be in your final year and have a GPA above 3.0; exceptions can be made at the discretion of the instructor.
Students in ENSC 411 are not required to attend the tutorial at 1:30 on Wednesdays (though they can if they want to).
Instead they attend the Wednesday afternoon tutorial at 4:30 in WMC 2210 with the BUS students.
In this tutorial, you will work with the BUS students to develop business plans for making money from engineering inventions.
We will be bringing in guest lecturers to talk about intellectual property, how to get a patent, how to run a company, and other things that it would be useful to know if you ever plan to go into business for yourself.
Also, the best three business plans may win substantial cash prizes.