The core of stzudent conduct principles are found in the following:
Code of Academic Integrity and Good Conduct (html)
- (PDF version 81 KB)
This outlines procedures and responsibilities in some detail. But briefly, we expoect you to be familiar with and assure that your work in this course is your own (or is part of an original team conribution) unless indicated by means of appropriate, complete citation.
In class discussion, vigorous debate or individual points of view are encouraged. But argument should be about ideas -- not someone's personality or experience. Part of our experience here is to teach one another - not to pop off or get angry.
Your classmates will differ in experience from you: try to teach them what you know and they will likely reciprocate. Teamwork demands fairplay and participation. No team member should ride on the efforts of others without doing their part. Be sure that your teams organise and divide the work fairly. Let the iunstructors know if this is NOT working out. We will take action.