Welcome to Josh's Computer Science and Software Developer portfolio!

This portfolio site will show you the processes, iterations, and reflections on various projects that I have completed. Click on any of the projects below to explore what skills and abilities I have acquired and what experiences I have learned.

I am passionate about learning new things, honing my acquired skills and talents, and experiencing new job environments in software engineering, front-end and back-end development. If you want to get in contact with me, please don't hesitate to fill out the form on the contact page.

Other than that, please feel free to read through the site. Thanks for wanting to know me a bit better!

Josh's Panel of Projects

Social Networking Interaction System

A program that uses Microsoft Azure's storage tables to create a Facebook-based interaction system between different clients

I led and administered the team, wrote functions and code snippets to add features to the server, and wrote unit tests to strengthen the functionalities of the client.

Languages and Frameworks Used: C++, Microsoft Azure, JSON, UnitTest++, Git

Go to the social networking project →

Richmond Dodgeball League Website

A business, service-listing site for a dodgeball association

I wrote the structure and foundation of the code, solved design and responsiveness issues with my teammates, and thought critically about the usefulness and maintenance of the site.

Languages and Frameworks Used: HTML, CSS, Atom, GitHub, GitKraken

Go to the website project →

What You Can Do Next

If you want to learn more about me and my pursuits, you can read my about section.

You can also see my Linked-In profile if you want to know more about my accomplishments, volunteer work, and other aspects that make me well-rounded.

You can also learn more about the Software Systems program and the Interactive Arts and Technology program to understand why I am passionate in these fields.

Other than that, enjoy the rest of my site!