About Brendan

I'm currently looking for full-time opportunities in branding, graphic design, and UX design.

Picture of Brendan Lane. What a handsome guy.

Who Is This Guy?

I'm Brendan Lane, a designer hailing from SFU's School of Interactive Arts and Technology in Vancouver, B.C., and specializing in branding and identity, digital and print graphic design, and UX design. I've done freelance work for a variety of clients including Carnarvon Community School, Vanvero, and Richmond Chinese Alliance Church. Right now, I'm working with StartupStorm, doing branding work for their nwHacks Hackathon.

I'm a Christian and an avid musician, part of an identity that has driven me to work with integrity and excellence. I strive to use my design expertise to honestly and creatively meet real needs in the world. This is what I love to do.

What Does He Do?

Branding + Identity

Everything about a brand, including its voice, values, culture, and visual representations, must be well-aligned. I help brands develop their unique, consistent identity, doing everything from brand definition to logo design to print and web collateral.

Graphic Design

I love working with visuals, even if it's not for a branding-specific project. Some of my other graphic design work has included user interfaces, posters, business cards, and even wedding pins!

UX Design

Sketching, wireframing, user testing, and rapid prototyping are all tools of my trade. Every project I work on is driven by a desire for great user experience - users should effortlessly be able to accomplish what they came to do.

How Do I Get In Touch With Him?

If you're itching to see what we can accomplish together, let's talk!