Opportunities: Future of future is now


Send Prof. Yu via e-mail <> your updated resume and arrange for an in-person or Zoom interview. We are located in 4D Labs, TSAC 2 building on Burnaby campus (Lab phone: 778.782.8070).

Undergraduate students

Science / engineering students who are interested in doing research projects in bioanalytical or materials chemistry, please consider applying for NSERC undergraduate student research award (USRA) or taking research courses (Chem 481/483 and MBB equivalents) with Dr. Yu.

Graduate students 

We are interested in recruiting motivated and dedicated M.Sc. and Ph.D. candidates. A student to Prof. Yu is a collaborator and a friend. Doing research is to enjoy and to build your future.

Postdoctoral fellow / Visiting scholar

We welcome applications for postdoctoral follow / visiting scholar positions either self-funded or require financial support in the field of bioanalytical chemistry,  electrochemistry, or surface science.