Whiplash associated neck injury is a serious problem!
It affects an estimated 60,000 people in BC alone, each year. Research shows a substantial number, up to 60 percent of those injured will still have problems 6 months after their injury. SFU's Motor Behaviour Lab conducted a study into the effects of motor-vehicle related neck injury.
Our goal was to improve assessment of whiplash injuries so that doctors and therapists could help people reduce pain and recover faster.
The participants were woman with a motor vehicle related whiplash injury and neck pain persisting for at least 6 months as well as healthy women.
Thank you to the many women that have already participated or offered to participate! The study is now complete.Two participants won $200 and have been contacted. Thank you to the 13 clinics in the Lower Mainland who participated! (click here for locations)
If you are interested in learning more about the study, click here to contact Marj Belot at