Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I get there?.
For detailed directions to SFU/Burnaby, click here.
For a list of all the locations you may choose from, click here.
2. Do I have to pay for parking?
A parking pass will be provided at SFU/Burnaby. Some offsite locations have free parking. Ask the researcher regarding the specifics at your preferred location or check the clinic website which is listed with the locations.3. What should I wear?
Wear clothing that enables the researchers to see and touch your upper back, shoulder blades, upper arms, the side of your trunk (just above your pelvis) and calves and ankles for the purpose of measurement of skin fold thickness, preparation of your skin for electromyography (EMG) and attachment of adhesive EMG electrodes (sensors) and insulated wires to your skin.
Please ask the researcher if you are uncertain regarding appropriate clothing.
4. Will I be working hard enough to sweat?
No. The active tests involve light arm movements or briefly standing on your toes, depending on the test.
5. Why do I have to have a medical release form signed by my doctor if I have had whiplash?
The Simon Fraser University Department of Research Ethics requires this because you may be more sensitive to some of the tests compared to healthy people. There is no risk of injury. Note that for your convenience, the researcher can approach your doctor regarding the medical release form, in some cases saving you a visit to the doctor.