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The Multifaith Centre is a busy place with lots of ways you can join in. Search events by type, campus, or religion below to connect with your faith community today.

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Come connect and learn about the different faith groups, events, workshops, and worship gatherings that are the best fit for you and your faith journey.

Centre Location

  • Serenity on the Mountain

    Burnaby, Online, Multifaith, Small Group

    A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is at SFU Burnaby. Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, income or profession.

  • The Point Sunday Gathering

    Burnaby, Faith Gathering, Christianity, The Point, Online

    Join the The Point for their Sunday Gathering in the Saywell Atrium on Burnaby Campus. The Gathering is open to all members of the SFU Community.

  • Halaqah

    Islam, MSA, Social Event, Faith Study, Surrey, Online

    Halaqah is held for both brothers and sisters throughout the semester. Check out when you can attend

  • Cores

    Burnaby, Christianity, Small Group, UCM, Online, Surrey

    Sign up for a Core. These are weekly small groups to build community and grow in faith together.