Bus Loop Flowers



The Burnaby Centre is a lively place with hundreds of students coming by each week, and almost as many faith gatherings and programs. The centre is the base for many of our faith groups and chaplains and is an open space for you to come explore your faith journey.

Our Burnaby Centre includes a multifaith prayer room, a large gathering room, Chaplain offices, kitchen, Wudu/Ablution, and lounge space. The space is open to you! Come find out about faith, pracitce faith, or just say hi. 

For after hours access please contact the front desk support or your chaplain/faith leader.

Academic Quadrangle 3200

Front Desk Support:
Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm
24/7 Access



The Surrey Centre is a growing place. With spaces in both the Galleria and the SE3P building, we are excited to host you in Surrey. 

Our Surrey spaces include a multifaith prayer and worship gathering space in SRYC 3002. Next door, in SRYC 3005 we have a bookable area for small groups, Chaplain Chats, and lounge space during off-use hours. Our space in SRYE 3004 is a bookable room that functions as a  multifaith drop-in prayer space outside of booked hours. There are also Wudu/Ablutions located on level 1 in the SRYE building.

All are open to students, staff, and faculty! Come find out about faith, pracitce faith, or just check out the space. The access code can be recieved by calling the Burnaby Location during opporating hours or from your Chaplain or Faith Lead.

SRYC 3002 & 3005

Open Access

SRYE 3004

Open Access

Chaplain Support 

On campus Tuesdays, Wednesdays,  & Thursdays



Our room at the Harbour Centre, is a designated space for Chaplain meetings and for drop-in prayer.

A little tricky to find, it is nestled into a beautiful quiet spot on the 7th floor. Take a left off the elevator. The access code can be recieved by calling the Burnaby Location during operating hours, from your Chaplain or Faith Lead, or from the Security Desk.

Although Vancouver is a quieter centre for our faith programming, let us know what you want to see at this campus. We would love to hear from you.

Harbour Centre 7314

Access during Harbour Cenrtre open hours

Chaplain Support

By Appointment


Other Spaces


Multifaith Prayer Room
SUB 2402

The SFSS has opened a prayer space in the Student Union Building. This is an open multifaith prayer room for students, staff, and faculty for all faith groups. 

It is open and availiable by code during the SUB open hours. The code can be accessed from SFSS GO Desk.

Residence & Housing

Multifaith Space

We are also excited to be consulting with Residence & Housing on their Multifaith Space too.

Once open, you will find the details of the space here.