About Me

Chenny's bio picture, chenny standing infront of a beach

Hey there! I'm Chenny a Visual Designer based in Vancouver BC

Currently I'm a fourth-year student at SFU's School of Interactive Arts + Technology (SIAT), I started my journey in engineering, where I gained a toolkit of technical skills. The analytical mindset and problem-solving skills I gained plays a crucial role in shaping my approach.

In the SIAT program I learned how to weave together technical skills in user research, prototyping, and HTML & CSS Coding with the design skills of Adobe softwares, typography, and color theory.

Leveraging diverse skills allows me to craft designs that is not only catch the eye but focuses on the user's needs. Where every element serves a purpose.

Join me in exploring the intersection of design and technology, where every line, every color, and every line of code has a purpose. Let's redefine what's possible and make designs that not only look good but also mean something.

Check out my lastest projects!

a preview of card survivial prototype on a apple computer

Card Survival: Tropical Island game Interface Prototyping

An academic project that created a new game interface for the game Card Survival: Tropical island.

a preview of card survivial prototype on a apple computer

Card Survival: Tropical Island game Interface Prototyping

An academic project that created a new game interface for the game Card Survival: Tropical island.