Hi, I'm Sevena,

an aspiring Front-End Developer

I love to combine my passion for design and development to build seamless user interfaces

a headshot profile photo of Sevena

About me

I’m a 4th year Computer Science student with a minor in Interactive Art & Technology at Simon Fraser University. My passion for front-end development comes from the itch to not only be programming but also working on the design aspect of my projects. I love mixing my skills to create not only functional but beautiful interfaces.

Over the past year, I have gained experience with a variety of web development skills through my own self-learning and by taking courses at SFU. My most recent personal projects can be viewed on my Github.

Aside from coding, I also love

video games 🎮 & coffee ☕️

My Toolbox

A list of some technologies I’ve learned to create web pages

black and white javascript logo


black and white figma logo


black and white HTML logo


black and white Git logo


black and white CSS logo


black and white icon of an ipad and iphone

Responsive Design

black and white React.js logo


black and white Node.js logo


My Projects

a selection of my recent projects