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About me

my ethos,



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Hello, my name is Soheila Boscarino, and I am a fifth-year Bachelor of Arts Student studying. Interactive Arts and Technology. Throughout my academic experience in this program, I have gained a strong passion for graphic design, UX/UI design, alongside a newfound interest in animation. SIAT provides students with project-based classes where we can work through iteration processes in groups. This program has opportunities to grow interpersonal and technical skills, which have led me to solidify my design ethos. Situation-appropriate and effective communication between team members and content organization must be established, throughout the iterative process, to achieve project goals.

With the chaos that iterative methods bring, I have found that my most successful projects were the ones where my group and I were open and honest and kept our content grouped in a manner that ensured nothing was missed. I have brought these experiences and skills into work as a UX/UI designer and animator at a software consulting company. I have been working on an application design and 3D avatar for their upcoming human kinematics project. Outside of work, I enjoy creating digital illustrations as requested by my family and friends to explore my creativity, which helps me push myself outside of my comfort zone and explore new art styles. Feel free to check out some project images and illustrations in my gallery. >>