New Normal
Doc Helper

Genshin Helper

Start of project: February 1, 2022
Completion of project: April 5, 2022
Front page of the Genshin Helper app.

For my class, IAT 359 Mobile Computer, my group and I created and application that was geared towards gamers that played the game ‘Genshin Impact’. This application allowed the users to calculate the amount of time it would take to generate an in-game currency called ‘Resin’. This would happen with the user inputting a certain amount of resin they require and a timer then starting for when that amount would be acquired in game. The user also had the option to turn on a notification for when the timer was done. Additionally, the user was also given a full guide on the games characters, enemies, consumables, artifacts, materials, and weapons.

Initial design's of the timer page
Initial design's of the timer page.
Initial Steps

The process began with me and one other person creating a full layout of the application using Figma. In the layout design process, we figured out how many pages we’d like to have, the style of navigation, the colour palette, and what kinds of icons we’d use.

Part of the mood board on Figma.
Part of the mood board on Figma when we were trying to finalize design for the app.
First Prototype

Next, we created a prototype of the application in Figma with the finalized UI. Using this prototype, we segregated tasks and began coding the app. The app was made in Android Studio using Kotlin. My task was to create all the detail pages for the characters, enemies, consumables, artifacts, materials, and weapons. All code was pushed to our GitHub repository and was put together to create the final application.

Programming the application in Android Studio.
The coding done in Android Studio.

When showcasing the application to the teaching staff they found the function and UI to be done very well even though they did not understand the goal of the application because of their unfamiliarity with the game. However, other students that were avid players showed their enthusiasm for the app when we showcased it.

Final UI of the application.
The final UI for the app.