New Normal
Genshin Helper

Doc Helper

Start of project: March 10, 2022
Completion of project: April 4, 2022
Log in page for Doc Helper.

For my class, IAT 334 Interface Design, my group and I created and application that was geared towards family physician’s. This application allowed the users to transition from pre-to-post COVID medical appointments. The app allowed doctors to allow patients to schedule online or in person appointments that would be added to their calendar in the app. The online appointments can then be done over text or video call. The patients’ medical records are also stored on the application for ease of access for the doctor. Finally, the app offers a COVID screening for any patient that will be coming for an in-person appointment as to avoid and spread of the virus. If the survey is answered and the patient is deemed free of symptoms they will be given a QR code that they must show when entering the office for their appointment.

Images of some of the main features of the app.
Three main features in the application: calendar, COVID screening for patients, and QR code scanner for in-person appointments.
Initial Steps

The process began with the group creating a layout for the application that was then presented and critiqued by the teaching staff. With the feedback we went back and continued to create further versions of the layout.

Initial sketches for the layout of the application.
Initial sketches for the layout of the application.
First Prototype

Next, we created a high-fidelity prototype of the application in Figma with the finalized UI. This portion of the process was the most challenging as we had to finalize the design of the app as this class was entirely centered around interface design. With many versions and a lot of critique from the teaching staff we were able to finalize the colour palette, font, layout, and features for the application.

Other features in the Doc Helper app.
Additional features in the app. Specifically, the patient records page, text messaging page, and video call.

With everything finalized and final prototype complete we showcased the final design to the teaching staff and received positive feedback but also more suggestions on how to further improve the interface. This project overall was one of the most challenging even though it did not require the most “technical” skill. Through this project I have gained more respect for interface designers and the immense work they put in to create the many applications we use daily.