Anna is a Web Developer & Web Designer.

feature image - a laptop displaying programming code on a desk.

About me

Anna Liang profile picture

Hello! I am Anna Liang and I am a web developer and web designer. I am passionate about web design and web development utilizing programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Also, I can work on projects either using plain programming languages or popular frameworks. For my soft skills, I enjoy working with people to share ideas, listen to others advice, and ask questions. Secondly, I am also a responsible and detail-oriented person because I never stop questioning if my work meets best results.


These are the recent projects I worked on, and they were developed by HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or Wordpress. The first two are businsess websites and the third one is a contact form implemented by JQuery and Materialize CSS. Click on the images for more detail.

I am...

An ear with a chat bubble represents a good listener.

Good at listening

I always listen before I share my opinion. Being a good listener is a way of having good communication, especially in web development, it's important to listen to users requirements before we move on to next step.

A hand holding tasks represents responsibility


I don’t reject tasks and projects that are assigned to me, and I can always deliver the job. I care my mission, I know my responsibility, and I am never afraid to take responsibility for my own mistakes.

A magnifier represents detail-oriented


I am keen to pay attention on details because sometimes they can also make a huge impact. Small improvements differentiate a great design from a good design, and small mistakes contribute flawed work to hard work. However, I am no control freak :).

Technical Skills

HTML 5 icon CSS 3 icon JavaScript icon Git icon
Java icon Python icon Wordpress icon Illustrator icon


Please feel free to reach me out, and I am happy to talk about my projects or your projects!