Electoral Standing Committee

Last updated: June 11, 2024

Standing Committee (Reporting Category "B")

Members Conditions Term Expiry Date Name
University Secretary (or designate) Chair     Margarita Fullerton
Senator Elected by and from Senate (one of whom must be a student) 2 years May 31, 2026 Aaron Fung
Senator 2 years May 31, 2026 Pok Man Tong
Student Senator 2 years May 31, 2026
Mishael Abu-Samhan

Terms of Reference

The purpose of this Committee will be to supervise the conduct of elections to the Senate and Board. The Committee will:

  1. Serve in an advisory capacity to the Senate Assistant and Electoral Officer concerning the conduct of, and the regulations governing, elections.
  2. Set the limit of the services to be made available to candidates for election to the Senate and Board, and will ensure that all candidates be informed, in writing, of the nature and extent of such services available to them.
  3. Approve scrutineers for the Burnaby campus and off-campus programs.
  4. Receive all complaints concerning the conduct of, and the regulations governing, elections.
  5. Hear all appeals on the Senate Assistant and Electoral Officer's decisions concerning eligibility to vote and eligibility to stand for office.
  6. Have available to it a variety of sanctions, including (but not limited to): imposing monetary fines, removing a candidate, declaring an election null and void, and recommending to the President such measures as censure, suspension, or the laying of criminal charges.

Decisions of the Electoral Standing Committee are final.

Once a year, the Electoral Standing Committee will make a report to Senate


To be elected by and from members of the Committee for two year term of office.


The quorum is two voting members (one-half the number of voting members on the Committee).