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The TRANSREG Procedure |
In this example, the MORALS algorithm is applied to data from an experiment in which nitrogen oxide emissions from a single cylinder engine are measured for various combinations of fuel, compression ratio, and equivalence ratio. The data are provided by Brinkman (1981).
The equivalence ratio and nitrogen oxide variables are continuous and numeric, so spline transformations of these variables are requested. Each spline is degree three with nine knots (one at each decile) in order to allow PROC TRANSREG a great deal of freedom in finding transformations. The compression ratio variable has only five discrete values, so an optimal scoring is requested. The character variable Fuel is nominal, so it is designated as a classification variable. No monotonicity constraints are placed on any of the transformations. Observations with missing values are excluded with the NOMISS a-option.
The squared multiple correlation for the initial model is less than 0.25. PROC TRANSREG increases the R2 to over 0.95 by transforming the variables. The transformation plots show how each variable is transformed. The transformation of compression ratio (TCpRatio) is nearly linear. The transformation of equivalence ratio (TEqRatio) is nearly parabolic. It can be seen from this plot that the optimal transformation of equivalence ratio is nearly uncorrelated with the original scoring. This suggests that the large increase in R2 is due to this transformation. The transformation of nitrogen oxide (TNOx) is something like a log transformation.
These results suggest the parametric model
You can perform this analysis with PROC TRANSREG using the following MODEL statement:
model log(NOx)= psp(EqRatio / deg=2) identity(CpRatio) class(Fuel / zero=first);
The LOG transformation computes the natural log. The PSPLINE expansion expands EqRatio into a linear term, EqRatio, and a squared term, EqRatio2. A linear transformation of CpRatio and a dummy variable expansion of Fuel is requested with the first level as the reference level. These should provide a good parametric operationalization of the optimal transformations. The final model has an R2 of 0.91 (smaller than before since the model uses fewer degrees of freedom, but still quite good).
The following statements produce Output 65.4.1 through Output 65.4.3:
title 'Gasoline Example'; data Gas; input Fuel :$8. CpRatio EqRatio NOx @@; label Fuel = 'Fuel' CpRatio = 'Compression Ratio (CR)' EqRatio = 'Equivalence Ratio (PHI)' NOx = 'Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)'; datalines; Ethanol 12.0 0.907 3.741 Ethanol 12.0 0.761 2.295 Ethanol 12.0 1.108 1.498 Ethanol 12.0 1.016 2.881 Ethanol 12.0 1.189 0.760 Ethanol 9.0 1.001 3.120 Ethanol 9.0 1.231 0.638 Ethanol 9.0 1.123 1.170 Ethanol 12.0 1.042 2.358 Ethanol 12.0 1.215 0.606 Ethanol 12.0 0.930 3.669 Ethanol 12.0 1.152 1.000 Ethanol 15.0 1.138 0.981 Ethanol 18.0 0.601 1.192 Ethanol 7.5 0.696 0.926 Ethanol 12.0 0.686 1.590 Ethanol 12.0 1.072 1.806 Ethanol 15.0 1.074 1.962 Ethanol 15.0 0.934 4.028 Ethanol 9.0 0.808 3.148 Ethanol 9.0 1.071 1.836 Ethanol 7.5 1.009 2.845 Ethanol 7.5 1.142 1.013 Ethanol 18.0 1.229 0.414 Ethanol 18.0 1.175 0.812 Ethanol 15.0 0.568 0.374 Ethanol 15.0 0.977 3.623 Ethanol 7.5 0.767 1.869 Ethanol 7.5 1.006 2.836 Ethanol 9.0 0.893 3.567 Ethanol 15.0 1.152 0.866 Ethanol 15.0 0.693 1.369 Ethanol 15.0 1.232 0.542 Ethanol 15.0 1.036 2.739 Ethanol 15.0 1.125 1.200 Ethanol 9.0 1.081 1.719 Ethanol 9.0 0.868 3.423 Ethanol 7.5 0.762 1.634 Ethanol 7.5 1.144 1.021 Ethanol 7.5 1.045 2.157 Ethanol 18.0 0.797 3.361 Ethanol 18.0 1.115 1.390 Ethanol 18.0 1.070 1.947 Ethanol 18.0 1.219 0.962 Ethanol 9.0 0.637 0.571 Ethanol 9.0 0.733 2.219 Ethanol 9.0 0.715 1.419 Ethanol 9.0 0.872 3.519 Ethanol 7.5 0.765 1.732 Ethanol 7.5 0.878 3.206 Ethanol 7.5 0.811 2.471 Ethanol 15.0 0.676 1.777 Ethanol 18.0 1.045 2.571 Ethanol 18.0 0.968 3.952 Ethanol 15.0 0.846 3.931 Ethanol 15.0 0.684 1.587 Ethanol 7.5 0.729 1.397 Ethanol 7.5 0.911 3.536 Ethanol 7.5 0.808 2.202 Ethanol 7.5 1.168 0.756 Indolene 7.5 0.831 4.818 Indolene 7.5 1.045 2.849 Indolene 7.5 1.021 3.275 Indolene 7.5 0.970 4.691 Indolene 7.5 0.825 4.255 Indolene 7.5 0.891 5.064 Indolene 7.5 0.710 2.118 Indolene 7.5 0.801 4.602 Indolene 7.5 1.074 2.286 Indolene 7.5 1.148 0.970 Indolene 7.5 1.000 3.965 Indolene 7.5 0.928 5.344 Indolene 7.5 0.767 3.834 Ethanol 7.5 0.749 1.620 Ethanol 7.5 0.892 3.656 Ethanol 7.5 1.002 2.964 82rongas 7.5 0.873 6.021 82rongas 7.5 0.987 4.467 82rongas 7.5 1.030 3.046 82rongas 7.5 1.101 1.596 82rongas 7.5 1.173 0.835 82rongas 7.5 0.931 5.498 82rongas 7.5 0.822 5.470 82rongas 7.5 0.749 4.084 82rongas 7.5 0.625 0.716 94%Eth 7.5 0.818 2.382 94%Eth 7.5 1.128 1.004 94%Eth 7.5 1.191 0.623 94%Eth 7.5 1.132 1.030 94%Eth 7.5 0.993 2.593 94%Eth 7.5 0.866 2.699 94%Eth 7.5 0.910 3.177 94%Eth 12.0 1.139 1.151 94%Eth 12.0 1.267 0.474 94%Eth 12.0 1.017 2.814 94%Eth 12.0 0.954 3.308 94%Eth 12.0 0.861 3.031 94%Eth 12.0 1.034 2.537 94%Eth 12.0 0.781 2.403 94%Eth 12.0 1.058 2.412 94%Eth 12.0 0.884 2.452 94%Eth 12.0 0.766 1.857 94%Eth 7.5 1.193 0.657 94%Eth 7.5 0.885 2.969 94%Eth 7.5 0.915 2.670 Ethanol 18.0 0.812 3.760 Ethanol 18.0 1.230 0.672 Ethanol 18.0 0.804 3.677 Ethanol 18.0 0.712 . Ethanol 12.0 0.813 3.517 Ethanol 12.0 1.002 3.290 Ethanol 9.0 0.696 1.139 Ethanol 9.0 1.199 0.727 Ethanol 9.0 1.030 2.581 Ethanol 15.0 0.602 0.923 Ethanol 15.0 0.694 1.527 Ethanol 15.0 0.816 3.388 Ethanol 15.0 0.896 . Ethanol 15.0 1.037 2.085 Ethanol 15.0 1.181 0.966 Ethanol 7.5 0.899 3.488 Ethanol 7.5 1.227 0.754 Indolene 7.5 0.701 1.990 Indolene 7.5 0.807 5.199 Indolene 7.5 0.902 5.283 Indolene 7.5 0.997 3.752 Indolene 7.5 1.224 0.537 Indolene 7.5 1.089 1.640 Ethanol 9.0 1.180 0.797 Ethanol 7.5 0.795 2.064 Ethanol 18.0 0.990 3.732 Ethanol 18.0 1.201 0.586 Methanol 7.5 0.975 2.941 Methanol 7.5 1.089 1.467 Methanol 7.5 1.150 0.934 Methanol 7.5 1.212 0.722 Methanol 7.5 0.859 2.397 Methanol 7.5 0.751 1.461 Methanol 7.5 0.720 1.235 Methanol 7.5 1.090 1.347 Methanol 7.5 0.616 0.344 Gasohol 7.5 0.712 2.209 Gasohol 7.5 0.771 4.497 Gasohol 7.5 0.959 4.958 Gasohol 7.5 1.042 2.723 Gasohol 7.5 1.125 1.244 Gasohol 7.5 1.097 1.562 Gasohol 7.5 0.984 4.468 Gasohol 7.5 0.928 5.307 Gasohol 7.5 0.889 5.425 Gasohol 7.5 0.827 5.330 Gasohol 7.5 0.674 1.448 Gasohol 7.5 1.031 3.164 Methanol 7.5 0.871 3.113 Methanol 7.5 1.026 2.551 Methanol 7.5 0.598 0.204 Indolene 7.5 0.973 5.055 Indolene 7.5 0.980 4.937 Indolene 7.5 0.665 1.561 Ethanol 7.5 0.629 0.561 Ethanol 9.0 0.608 0.563 Ethanol 12.0 0.584 0.678 Ethanol 15.0 0.562 0.370 Ethanol 18.0 0.535 0.530 94%Eth 7.5 0.674 0.900 Gasohol 7.5 0.645 1.207 Ethanol 18.0 0.655 1.900 94%Eth 7.5 1.022 2.787 94%Eth 7.5 0.790 2.645 94%Eth 7.5 0.720 1.475 94%Eth 7.5 1.075 2.147 ; *---Fit the Nonparametric Model---; proc transreg data=Gas dummy test nomiss; model spline(NOx / nknots=9)=spline(EqRatio / nknots=9) opscore(CpRatio) class(Fuel / zero=first); title2 'Iteratively Estimate NOx, CPRATIO and EQRATIO'; output out=Results; run; *---Plot the Results---; goptions goutmode=replace nodisplay; %let opts = haxis=axis2 vaxis=axis1 frame cframe=ligr; * Depending on your goptions, these plot options may work better: * %let opts = haxis=axis2 vaxis=axis1 frame; proc gplot data=Results; title; axis1 minor=none label=(angle=90 rotate=0); axis2 minor=none; symbol1 color=blue v=dot i=none; plot TCpRatio*CpRatio / &opts name='tregex1'; plot TEqRatio*EqRatio / &opts name='tregex2'; plot TNOx*NOx / &opts name='tregex3'; run; quit; goptions display; proc greplay nofs tc=sashelp.templt template=l2r2; igout gseg; treplay 1:tregex1 2:tregex3 3:tregex2; run; quit;
*-Fit the Parametric Model Suggested by the Nonparametric Analysis-; proc transreg data=Gas dummy ss2 short nomiss; title 'Gasoline Example'; title2 'Now fit log(NOx) = b0 + b1*EqRatio + b2*EqRatio**2 +'; title3 'b3*CpRatio + Sum b(j)*Fuel(j) + Error'; model log(NOx)= pspline(EqRatio / deg=2) identity(CpRatio) class(Fuel / zero=first); output out=Results2; run;Output 65.4.1: Transformation Regression Example: The Nonparametric Model
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