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observation exclusion
OC Curve
ODS tables
- CAPABILITY procedure
- FACTEX procedure
- OPTTEX procedure
- RELIABILITY procedure "ODS Table Names"
- RELIABILITY procedure "ODS Table Names"
Operating Characteristic Curve
OPTEX procedure
- getting started
- learning about OPTEX
- order of statements "CLASS Statement"
- order of statements "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- order of statements "MODEL Statement"
- order of statements "Syntax"
- overview
- summary of functions
- syntax
OPTEX procedure, BLOCKS statement
- COVAR= option "BLOCKS Statement"
- COVAR= option "Example 24.9: Optimal Design in the Presence of Covariance"
- DESIGN= option "BLOCKS Statement"
- DESIGN= option "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- INIT= option
- ITER= option
- KEEP= option
- options summarized by function
- STRUCTURE= option "BLOCKS Statement"
- STRUCTURE= option "Example 24.7: Balanced Incomplete Block Design"
- VAR= option
OPTEX procedure, CLASS statement
- example
- syntax
OPTEX procedure, EXAMINE statement
- DESIGN option
- NUMBER= option
- options summarized by function
- VARIANCE option
OPTEX procedure, GENERATE statement
- AUGMENT= option "Example 24.4: Optimal Design Using an Augmented Best Design"
- AUGMENT= option "GENERATE Statement"
- CRITERION= option "Example 24.10: Adding Space-Filling Points to a Design"
- CRITERION= option "GENERATE Statement"
- INITDESIGN= option "Example 24.3: Using an Initial Design to Search an Optimal Design"
- INITDESIGN= option "GENERATE Statement"
- ITER= option
- KEEP= option
- METHOD= option "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- METHOD= option "GENERATE Statement"
- N= option "Example 24.3: Using an Initial Design to Search an Optimal Design"
- N= option "GENERATE Statement"
- N= option "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- options summarized by function "Summary of Functions"
- options summarized by function "Summary of Functions"
OPTEX procedure, ID statement
OPTEX procedure, MODEL statement
- example
- NOINT option "Example 24.10: Adding Space-Filling Points to a Design"
- NOINT option "MODEL Statement"
- options summarized by function
- PRIOR= option "Example 24.6: Bayesian Optimal Design"
- PRIOR= option "MODEL Statement"
OPTEX procedure, OUTPUT statement
- BLOCKNAME= option
- NUMBER= option "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- NUMBER= option "OUTPUT Statement"
- options summarized by function
- OUT= option
OPTEX procedure, PROC OPTEX statement
- CODING= option "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- CODING= option "PROC OPTEX Statement"
- DATA= option
- EPSILON= option
- example
- NAMELEN option
- NOCODE option "Example 24.10: Adding Space-Filling Points to a Design"
- NOCODE option "PROC OPTEX Statement"
- NOPRINT option
- options summarized by function "Summary of Functions"
- options summarized by function "Summary of Functions"
- SEED= option
- STATUS= option
optimal designs
- A-efficiency
- Bayesian optimal designs "Example 24.6: Bayesian Optimal Design"
- Bayesian optimal designs "MODEL Statement"
- Bayesian optimal designs "Summary of Functions"
- covariate designs "MODEL Statement"
- covariate designs "Syntax"
- customizing design search
- D-efficiency
- data set roles "Input Data Sets"
- data set roles "Input Data Sets"
- data set roles "Input Data Sets"
- design augmentation "Example 24.4: Optimal Design Using an Augmented Best Design"
- design augmentation "GENERATE Statement"
- design augmentation "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- design augmentation "Summary of Functions"
- design augmentation data set "Input Data Sets"
- design augmentation data set "Input Data Sets"
- design characteristic options, summary
- design listing "EXAMINE Statement"
- design listing "Summary of Functions"
- design search defaults
- efficiency measures
- efficiency measures, comparing "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- efficiency measures, comparing "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- efficiency measures, comparing "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- efficiency measures, comparing "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- efficiency measures, interpreting
- epsilon value
- evaluating an existing design "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- evaluating an existing design "GENERATE Statement"
- evaluating an existing design "Optimal Blocking"
- evaluating an existing design "Search Methods"
- examining "EXAMINE Statement"
- examining "EXAMINE Statement"
- G-efficiency
- getting started examples
- including identification variables "ID Statement"
- including identification variables "Input Data Sets"
- including identification variables "Input Data Sets"
- including identification variables "Output Data Sets"
- information matrix "EXAMINE Statement"
- information matrix "Summary of Functions"
- input data sets
- interactively "EXAMINE Statement"
- interactively "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- invoking
- learning about OPTEX procedure
- listing options, summary
- memory usage
- mixture designs
- number of design points "GENERATE Statement"
- number of design points "GENERATE Statement"
- number of design points "Summary of Functions"
- number of search tries "GENERATE Statement"
- number of search tries "GENERATE Statement"
- number of tries to keep
- OPTEX procedure features
- OPTEX procedure overview
- optimal blocking
- output
- output data set
- prior precision values "Example 24.6: Bayesian Optimal Design"
- prior precision values "MODEL Statement"
- random number seed
- resolution IV designs
- run-time considerations
- saturated design "GENERATE Statement"
- saturated design "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- saving options, summary
- search methods
- search strategies
- statement descriptions
- status of search
- summary of functions "Summary of Functions"
- summary of functions "Summary of Functions"
- syntax
- treatment candidate points
- variance matrix "EXAMINE Statement"
- variance matrix "Summary of Functions"
optimal designs, candidate data set
- creating with ADXFILL macro
- creating with ADXXVERT macro "Example 24.10: Adding Space-Filling Points to a Design"
- creating with ADXXVERT macro "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- creating with DATA step "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- creating with DATA step "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- creating with DATA step "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- creating with FACTEX procedure "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- creating with FACTEX procedure "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- creating with FACTEX procedure "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- creating with FACTEX procedure "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- creating with PLAN procedure "Constructing a Nonstandard Design"
- creating with PLAN procedure "Constructing a Nonstandard Design"
- creating with PLAN procedure "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- discussion "Input Data Sets"
- discussion "Input Data Sets"
- examples of creating, advanced
- examples of creating, introductory
- recommendations "Example 24.5: Optimal Design Using a Small Candidate Set"
- recommendations "Search Strategies"
- specifying
optimal designs, coding
- default coding
- discussion
- examples
- no coding
- orthogonal coding "Design Coding"
- orthogonal coding "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- orthogonal coding "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- orthogonal coding "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- orthogonal coding "Summary of Functions"
- recommendations
- specifying
- static coding "Design Coding"
- static coding "Summary of Functions"
- summary of options
optimal designs, examples
- advanced
- Bayesian optimal designs
- block design "Example 24.7: Balanced Incomplete Block Design"
- block design "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- design augmentation "Example 24.4: Optimal Design Using an Augmented Best Design"
- design augmentation "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- designs with correlated runs
- designs with covariates
- handling many variables
- initialization
- introductory
- mixture design "Example 24.10: Adding Space-Filling Points to a Design"
- mixture design "Optimal Design Scenarios"
- nonstandard modeling
- reducing candidate set
- resolution IV design
- saturated second-order design
- using different search methods
optimal designs, initialization
- defaults "GENERATE Statement"
- defaults "GENERATE Statement"
- example
- initial design data set "Example 24.3: Using an Initial Design to Search an Optimal Design"
- initial design data set "GENERATE Statement"
- initial design data set "Input Data Sets"
- initial design data set "Input Data Sets"
- initial design data set "Input Data Sets"
- optimal blocking
- partially random
- random
- recommendations
- sequential
- specifying
- summary of options "Summary of Functions"
- summary of options "Summary of Functions"
optimal designs, model
- abbreviation operators
- classification variables "CLASS Statement"
- classification variables "Specifying Effects in MODEL Statements"
- crossed effects
- discussion
- examples
- factorial model
- interactions
- main effects
- main effects model
- no-intercept model "MODEL Statement"
- no-intercept model "Summary of Functions"
- nonstandard
- polynomial effects
- quadratic model
- regressor effects
- specifying "MODEL Statement"
- specifying "Summary of Functions"
- summary of options
- types of effects "MODEL Statement"
- types of effects "Specifying Effects in MODEL Statements"
- types of variables
optimal designs, optimal blocking
- A-efficiency
- block specification
- classification variables
- covariance specification
- covariate designs
- D-efficiency
- data sets "Input Data Sets"
- data sets "Input Data Sets"
- discussion
- evaluating an existing design
- examples "Example 24.7: Balanced Incomplete Block Design"
- examples "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- examples "Example 24.9: Optimal Design in the Presence of Covariance"
- initialization
- number of search tries
- specifying "BLOCKS Statement"
- specifying "Summary of Functions"
- summary of options
- suppressing exchange step
- treatment candidate points "BLOCKS Statement"
- treatment candidate points "Example 24.8: Optimal Design with Fixed Covariates"
- tries to keep
optimal designs, optimality criteria
- A-optimality "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- A-optimality "GENERATE Statement"
- A-optimality "Optimality Criteria"
- computational limitations "Optimality Criteria"
- computational limitations "Optimality Criteria"
- D-optimality "GENERATE Statement"
- D-optimality "Optimality Criteria"
- default
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- discussion
- distance-based "Optimality Criteria"
- distance-based "Optimality Criteria"
- examples "Example 24.10: Adding Space-Filling Points to a Design"
- examples "Example 24.1: Nonstandard Linear Model"
- G-optimality "Optimality Criteria"
- G-optimality "OUTPUT Statement"
- I-optimality
- information-based
- S-optimality "GENERATE Statement"
- S-optimality "Optimality Criteria"
- S-optimality "Optimality Criteria"
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- specifying "Summary of Functions"
- summary of options
- types
- U-optimality "Example 24.10: Adding Space-Filling Points to a Design"
- U-optimality "GENERATE Statement"
- U-optimality "Optimality Criteria"
optimal designs, output
- block variable name "OUTPUT Statement"
- block variable name "Summary of Functions"
- design number
- options
- output data set "Output Data Sets"
- output data set "OUTPUT Statement"
- selecting design by efficiency "Optimality Criteria"
- selecting design by efficiency "OUTPUT Statement"
- transfer variables "ID Statement"
- transfer variables "Summary of Functions"
optimal designs, search algorithms
- comparing different algorithms
- default
- DETMAX "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- DETMAX "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- DETMAX "Search Methods"
- discussion
- example "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- example "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- exchange "GENERATE Statement"
- exchange "Search Methods"
- excursion level for DETMAX
- Fedorov "GENERATE Statement"
- Fedorov "Search Methods"
- k-exchange "GENERATE Statement"
- k-exchange "Search Methods"
- modified Fedorov "GENERATE Statement"
- modified Fedorov "Search Methods"
- rank-one updates
- sequential "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- sequential "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- sequential "GENERATE Statement"
- sequential "Search Methods"
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- specifying "Summary of Functions"
- speed "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- speed "Example 24.2: Comparing DETMAX Algorithm to Sequential Algorithm"
- speed "GENERATE Statement"
- speed "Memory and Run-Time Considerations"
- summary
optimal designs, space-filling designs
- coding for
- criteria
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- definitions "Optimality Criteria"
- distance from a point to a set
- efficiency measures
- examples
- S-optimality
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- specifying "GENERATE Statement"
- U-optimality
options, Shewhart charts
- dictionary
OPTTEX procedure, PROC OPTTEX statement
- ODS tables
ORDER1= option
- PARETO procedure
ORDER2= option
- PARETO procedure
ORDER2 specification
- ADXQMOD macro
ORIGIN= option
- CUSUM procedure
orthogonal blocking
- ADXPCC macro
orthogonal confounding
orthogonal design
- theory
orthogonal designs
- ADXPCC macro
orthogonal fractional factorial designs, macros for
orthogonally confounded designs
OTHER= option
- PARETO procedure
- PARETO procedure
- PARETO procedure
OUT= data set
- PARETO procedure
outer array
- CUSUM procedure
- MACONTROL procedure
- SHEWHART procedure
OUTINDEX= option
- CUSUM procedure
- MACONTROL procedure
- SHEWHART procedure
OUTLABEL= option
- CUSUM procedure
- MACONTROL procedure
- SHEWHART procedure
OUTLABEL2= option
- SHEWHART procedure
- CUSUM procedure
- MACONTROL procedure
- SHEWHART procedure
OUTPHASE= option
- CUSUM procedure
- MACONTROL procedure
- SHEWHART procedure
- ADXTRANS macro
output data set, Pareto charts
output data sets
- ADXALIAS macro
- ADXCCD macro "ADXCCD: Construct Central Composite Designs"
- ADXCCD macro "ADXCCD: Construct Central Composite Designs"
- ADXCODE macro "ADXCODE: Code a Design for Analysis"
- ADXCODE macro "ADXCODE: Code a Design for Analysis"
- ADXFFD macro "ADXFFD: Construct Fractional Factorial Designs"
- ADXFFD macro "ADXFFD: Construct Fractional Factorial Designs"
- ADXMAMD macro "ADXMAMD: Construct McLean-Anderson Mixture Designs"
- ADXMAMD macro "ADXMAMD: Construct McLean-Anderson Mixture Designs"
- ADXQMOD macro "ADXQMOD: Set Up a Second-Order Model"
- ADXQMOD macro "ADXQMOD: Set Up a Second-Order Model"
- ADXSCD macro "ADXSCD: Construct Simplex-Centroid Designs"
- ADXSCD macro "ADXSCD: Construct Simplex-Centroid Designs"
- ADXSLD macro
- ADXTRANS macro "ADXTRANS: Determine an Optimal Box-Cox Power Transformation"
- ADXTRANS macro "ADXTRANS: Determine an Optimal Box-Cox Power Transformation"
- ADXXVERT macro "ADXXVERT: the XVERT Algorithm"
- ADXXVERT macro "ADXXVERT: the XVERT Algorithm"
output data sets, CAPABILITY procedure
- creating
- getting started
- naming
- percentile variable names "Syntax"
- percentile variable names "Syntax"
- percentiles
- saving capability indices and related statistics
- saving specification limits and related statistics
- saving summary statistics "Summary of Keywords"
- saving summary statistics "Summary of Keywords"
- saving summary statistics "Summary of Keywords"
- saving summary statistics "Summary of Keywords"
- saving test statistics
OUTPUT statement, CAPABILITY procedure
- getting started
- keywords summarized by function "Summary of Keywords"
- keywords summarized by function "Summary of Keywords"
- overview
- syntax
OUTPUT statement, FACTEX procedure
- options summarized by function
- syntax
OUTPUT statement, OPTEX procedure
- syntax
output, FACTEX procedure
- code design factor levels "OUTPUT Statement"
- code design factor levels "Summary of Functions"
- decode block factor levels "OUTPUT Statement"
- decode block factor levels "Summary of Functions"
- decode block factor levels "Summary of Functions"
- decode design factor levels "OUTPUT Statement"
- decode design factor levels "Summary of Functions"
- details
- options
- output data set "Output"
- output data set "OUTPUT Statement"
- rename block variable "OUTPUT Statement"
- rename block variable "Summary of Functions"
OUTTABLE= option
- CUSUM procedure
- MACONTROL procedure
- SHEWHART procedure
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