Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
Moving and Accessing SAS Files across Operating Environments

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SAS/CONNECT software
creating and importing transport files
license requirements
SAS/CONNECT software, transporting files
SEE: transporting files
SAS engine
SAS files
DATA type, creating in non-native format
determining base SAS engine
error messages
SAS files, accessing
methods for
on remote hosts
with CEDA
with network services
with SAS/SHARE servers
SAS files, converting
on same host
V6 to V8 format
V8 to V6 format
SAS files, determining information about
base SAS engine "Using Filename Extensions to Determine Which SAS Engine and Host Were Used to Create a SAS File"
base SAS engine "Using PROC CONTENTS to Determine the SAS Base Engine That Was Used to Create a SAS File"
by file extension
host architecture "Interpreting a Filename Extension"
host architecture "Using Filename Extensions to Determine Which SAS Engine and Host Were Used to Create a SAS File"
member type
SAS version
SAS files, moving
methods for
SAS files, transporting
between compatible hosts "Traditional Move Operations"
between compatible hosts "Traditional Move Operations"
between incompatible hosts
by copying "Traditional Move Operations"
by copying "Traditional Move Operations"
choosing a method for "Choosing a Method for Moving a SAS File"
choosing a method for "Traditional Move Operations"
converting between incompatible hosts
DBMS files (third party)
host architectural compatibility
host type considerations
numeric precision
reasons for
regressing SAS files
SAS members "Choosing a Method for Moving a SAS File"
SAS members "Choosing a Method for Moving a SAS File"
SAS release considerations
SAS files, version compatibility
SAS logs, logging transport data
data set creation
transport file creation
transport file import
transport file transfer
transport file verification
SAS logs, viewing at the source
OpenVMS to HP-UX file transport
OS/390 to Windows NT file transfer
OS/390 TSO to UNIX file transport
SAS logs, viewing at the target
OpenVMS to HP-UX file transport
OS/390 to Windows NT file transport
SAS members, transporting
SAS releases
determining by file extension
determining transport methods
determining under CMS
determining under Macintosh
Macintosh support "Host Types Supported According to SAS Release"
Macintosh support "Macintosh Is a Version 6 Only Host"
operating environments supported
VSE support
Windows 32s support
SAS releases, compatibility
SAS releases, determining under
SAS/SHARE servers
accessing SAS files
creating and importing transport files "Traditional Methods for Creating and Restoring Files in Transport Format"
creating and importing transport files "Traditional Methods for Creating and Restoring Files in Transport Format"
SAS/SHARE servers, accessing remote files
character translation
client hosts
client/server requirements
data sets
DATA step views
incompatible hosts
interpreting views
libraries, concatenating multiple
libraries, mixed
loss of magnitude
loss of precision
managing multi-user access
numeric translation
PROC SQL views
server hosts
starting a server
supported members and files
server hosts

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